Chapter 1

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-APRIL 2010-

(cami) every girl around my age would spend their teenage years hanging out with friends, going to the mall, going to the cinema, eating at a cafe, visiting a cat cafe, or something like that. The typical things teenage girls would do, but for me, I was different, you see, I was a boyish nerd that would occasionally hang out with my friends that were mostly boys, I did have girlfriends too but they were more girlish than me, when I started high school, I joined the school's softball team.

one day, I was at my apartment just relaxing, I decided to live on my own after I got into an argument with my parents, my apartment is fairly close to the school that I'm attending right now...

while I was relaxing, my friend Nao texted me that she is coming over, Nao is my best friend, she has been my friend since middle school and we are very close, she's also on my softball team, last week she and my other teammates decide to pull a prank on me by putting a bucket of water above the door of our locker room, I got so wet that my softball uniform was so wet, and my socks were soaked as well that I had to walk home with wet feet, thankfully I didn't get sick after that but, I guess I'm going to return her the favor...

a filled up a bucket of water and added a bit of lime juice to spice it up, then I put it above the door that I opened a bit, then I hit the light and hid in my room

a few minutes passed and I could hear footsteps from outside the door, after a few seconds...BAAM...The bucket fell and I immediately got out and....

It's a boy...




(cami) I remembered a week ago that the landlord of the apartment informed me that I would be sharing the apartment with someone else...I was confused at first because maybe I would be sharing the place with someone older than me but they reassured me that it was someone younger, I didn't bother to ask them what their gender is because I expected it to be a girl or something...unfortunately it was a boy

*cami* so you must be the one who is moving in right?

*boy* *nods*

*cami* can you speak?


*cami* oh really?'s ok, you can speak English with me, I can understand English very well...

(cami) maybe that's why he was silent at first, he can't speak Japanese yet, I guess he is new here, just looking at his face I knew he's from somewhere else.

*cami* where are you from?

*boy* from the Philippines

*cami* the Philippines?...where is that?

*boy* oh it's a country in south-east Asia

*cami* oh...I guess you are far from home, what made you decide to move here?

*boy* my parents sent me here to study,im going to this school called "Kyoto university"

*cami* oh really?... I go there too...I guess we go to the same school then

*boy* really?...thankfully I have someone to help me around the way im Alex

*cami* I'm cami, *shakes his hand* nice to meet you, do you want some tea?

*Alex* that would be nice...

(cami) having the thought of living with a boy was weird at first, but then again, almost everyone has mistaken me for a boy more than once, thankfully we weren't going to share one room, so out of generosity, I helped him unpack his things from outside the apartment, he didn't bring a lot of things but he had around 5 luggage with him.

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