Chapter 13

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*uncle* there you are...I've been looking for you!

*Alex* oh hey Tito

*uncle* look I know it's hard to leave japan so sudden when you just lived there for almost three years now but you got to accept's for the best

*Alex* I don't think I can leave yet Tito...I can't leave my friends back there.

*uncle* I know got to also think about your future, you and your friends are destined to go their separate ways at some point.

*Alex* I know but I can't leave them now...they need me

*uncle* nonsense! They don't need you, and you don't need them

*Alex* what?

*uncle* I said that after you left, there just going to forget you in the don't need them and mostly you don't need them to succeed.

*Alex* are you crazy? There's no way that's possible, even if I'm not like them, there still my friends and they need me

*uncle* there aren't going to help you become a lawyer here, we're the only people who is going to help you become a lawyer.

*Alex* *grabs his shirt* just because I'm the only person in this family that is going to be a lawyer, doesn't give you guys the authority to dictate my life and what I wanted to do.

*uncle* let's not forget that I was the one who got you to live in japan, if it wasn't for us you wouldn't be studying japan.

*Alex* even if you guys got me too paid for me to study abroad, you still have no right to use me for your own gain! I know why you guys are trying so hard to use me for your own gain.

*uncle* your being delusional!


*uncle* forget it! Do what you want...but make sure you don't comeback crawling here.


(Cami) the next day Alex took me on a date around Kyoto again, it was kind of sweet for him to take me around on a date after last night...he took me to an arcade in the city, and the place was almost empty with just a few kids playing inside.

*Alex* go ahead and play around cami

*cami* aww you're so sweet *laughs*

*Alex* whatever

*cami* *laughs* come one let's go!

(Cami) we played all sorts of games in the arcade, won a lot of prizes in the arcade, and did all sorts of thing inside the arcade, after an hour inside the arcade we got hungry so we went to eat at a restaurant.

*cami* how about this place?

*Alex* oh yeah that place seems nice...let's go in!

(cami) inside the restaurant was so fancy...I was amazed at it...the staff inside the restaurant led us to a vacant table and we sat down, they gave us the menu and...their menu item sounded delicious but looking at the prices.

*cami* hey...It's fine if we go somewhere

*Alex* its's not that expensive

*cami* are you sure? I mean you don't have to lie to me

*Alex* cami it's actually fine, it's not always I take you an expensive restaurant.. plus I have some extra money from my trip so...

*cami* how rich are your family?

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