chapter 25

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*Maribien* good afternoon sir! Did you call me?

*Marco* yes actually...I wanted to ask you about the case

*Maribien* ah you mean the abuse case? Both attorney Alexander and attorney Francesca has taken the case and won the trial

*Marco* wonderful! I knew those two can do it!

*Maribien* regards of the kid...according to Francesca, Alex decided to take her in as his own...she was reluctant at first to agree with him he trust his judgement.

*Marco* I don't see a problem with that actually, I'll persuade his uncle to agree with it first *giggles*

*Maribien* *giggles* there anything I can help you with sir?

*Marco* how about we chat for a that alright with you?

*Maribien* sure! What did you want to chat about?

*Marco* I've been wondering though...what will happen to this firm if something would happen to me?

*Maribien* why did you think about that sir?

*Marco* oh you know just a random thought I had...once I'm gone, someone is going to take-over and continue on running this place...I've built this place with every inch of my earnings I made as a politician...I can't let all of that go to waste that easily.

*Maribien* I know for a fact that someone with the same leadership skills as you will take-over someday

*Marco* yeah...someday somehow or someway that person will come

*Maribien* anyways sir I should get going...I still have to call attorney alexander to come back to the office

*Marco* you know what...tell them they can have a paid leave for now...they deserve a little break

*Maribien* alright then sir...I'll see you later

*Marco* by the way before you leave

*Maribien* yes sir?

*Marco* *smiles and gives her a thumbs-up* your doing a good job...I'm proud of you

*Maribien* *smiles* thanks sir


(Cami) after the case, Alex decided to take in Natsuki as his own, after her father died we stayed for a bit in japan, Ms. Maribien called us that the boss said the both of us can have a paid leave for a week... I was joyed to hear that and immediately told Alex about it.

*cami* Ale-

*Natsuki* shh I think he's sick

*cami* what?

*Natsuki* he said his stomach hurts so badly since this morning

*Alex* *groans in pain*

*cami* poor thing...just stay there for the day Alex...I'm just going to take natsuki for a walk

*Alex* sure...go ahead

*cami* excellent....want to go for a walk Natsuki?

*Natsuki* yeah sure! I don't see any problem with that

(Cami) it's been a two days now since the trial ended...and Natsuki has been with us since Alex decided to take her in...yesterday he did all the adoption forms and made it official now...I decided to take her out on a walk to see how she is doing now...she's been so devastated since her father died in jail.

*cami* how are you keeping up in there Natsuki?

*Natsuki* I'm doing pretty great but...I'm coping

*cami* don't worry your safe with us now.

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