Chapter 16

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-LATE 2013-

(cami) a couple of weeks after Alex left, class would start once again in a few days, before classes would start again, me and Alyssa decided to go around some places once again, most notably some colleges we would go to after graduating.

Until now I'm still un quite sure where I would be going to after I graduate, I only took social science because my sister was the one who recommended me to do it, now that I'm almost graduating now, I'm quite unsure where I am going after this, it is kind off to make decisions like this without Alex now, but for his sake, I'll do my best to make a decision that will benefit me soon.

The both of us went around japan to look for a good college, since both me and Alyssa took the same course, it is formal for the both of us to look for the same college related to our taken course.

After going around fukouka, Kyoto, even in Osaka but to no avail, finally we went to Tokyo for our final trip, thankfully my sister was free when we got there and took us around every college institution in the city.

*Aimi* I forgot that you took social-science upon my recommendation.

*cami* well what was I supposed to do? You said it was easy

*Aimi* and was it easy?

*cami* ha! Yeah easy if you're smart in understanding world problems and stuff like that, I had to ask Alex for help even if we have different courses.

*Aimi* you still miss him do you?

*cami* yeah but I'll be fine now, I know one thing is for sure, that I'll see him someday, I'll just have to wait.

*Aimi* *smiles* you are growing up so fast sis, I'm proud of you.

*cami* *smiles* thanks sis

(Cami) I do still miss him sometimes but, if I ever miss him so badly, I would just look at the framed photo I have in my room and smile at it, sometimes it helps me not miss him a little bit, recently I bought a book about guitars so I can learn how to play it, there was a guitar store nearby from the apartment, so I bought one of their books to learn how to play, at first it was a bit hard to play it, but the more I practiced to more I learned to play it, I'm only good at basic chords but atleast I can play some songs with it.

After almost the whole day of walking around, we went back to my sister's place to relax a bit, while on the way there we stumbled upon an academy, the institution was owned by the United Nations, I remember tackling that topic once in my presentation last year.

*cami* I didn't know they has this kind of institution here.

*Aimi* you know...this academy is where most graduates that went here all worked in the UN after they finished here.

*cami* this place does look nice, I think I want to go here.

*Aimi* sure! Also since it's just a block for my place, you can stay with me also

*cami* really? Thanks

*Alyssa* well this place does sound promising, might as well go here also

*cami* really? Good for you

*staff* hello ma'am! Welcome to United Nations University, are you interested in coming here?

*Aimi* in fact, yes we're planning to, can you take us around if it's okay?

*Staff* sure! Right this way ma'am

(cami) the staff took us around the institution, inside was majestic and cool, we we're amazed at all of the courses they offer here, I think my sister was also impressed in all they offered to show in the institution, after the tour my sister and staff discussed about me going here after graduating, meanwhile me and Alyssa were busy being amazed on the place, I can't believe I can go here after graduating.

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