Chapter 9

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(Cami) last night, me and kousei had a deep conversation about everything that has happened, he asked for forgiveness for what he did a long time ago, although I was still angry at him for that at last I did forgive him, we talked for almost an hour there until...

*kousei* you know, that Alex person looks like a nice guy right?

*cami* oh him? Yeah, he is he's a good cook too.

*kousei* it's a shame that you haven't dated him yet

*cami* well...about that

*kousei* oh so you're dating him now?

*cami* well...I confessed to him a year ago but didn't go as planned so

*kousei* well you can just try again

*cami* yeah maybe

*kousei* anyways I should get going now...I came here to deal with something

*cami* what is it?

*kousei* it's a secret

*cami* alright then whatever you say

(Cami) after our hour-long conversation...he went off to deal with something, although everything has been forgiven now, there is still something that is bothering me...I searched around the park to where the Alex is at...but I found him and Nao and the three of us went back home, I think watari went home too... we left him alone a while ago so maybe he went back to his place...tomorrow is another day


(Cami) on our last day in Nerima, the four of us decided to go on a road trip to the seacoast, watari rented a car for us to ride in, and to our surprise.

*kousei* hey you guys?

*watari* since he's here then might as well bring him with us

*cami* hop on in

*Alex* wait who's driving?

*watari* *throws the keys* obviously you

*Alex* whatever

*cami* I'll ride in front then

*Nao* *grins* okay cami, you can sit beside your boyfriend then

*cami* shut up Nao

*Nao* whatever you say

(Cami) we drove for about a three hours to get to our destination, on the way we bought some food to eat there, in the car we listened to and sang along to songs that we're popular right now, after almost three hours of traveling we finally got to our final destination.

*watari* finally! We're here

*cami* this place is so beautiful!

*Nao* let's put our thing here you guys

*Alex* best vacation ever!

*kousei* it sure is

(cami) there was a small beach on the coast so we went down and placed our things on the sand and started to play in the water, we played some fun games and had a blast, after that we went back to where our place was and Alex started to roast some of the meat that we brought for a barbeque

*Alex* just wait for a couple of minutes, you guys.

*cami* all right then

*watari* I can take over if you want though

*Alex* are you sure?

*watari* yeah man

*Alex* okay then

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