Chapter 14

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-The next day-

(cami) it's morning already, I think I fell asleep in his room last night, when I woke up he wasn't in his bed anymore, I got out of the bed and went out of his room, I thought he was still in the kitchen but he wasn't there, the shower wasn't on so he wasn't in the bathroom also, finally I found him outside of the apartment.

*cami* there you are

*Alex* oh hey...did you just woke up?

*cami* yeah...I was looking for you inside...what are you doing here?

*Alex* just catching some fresh air, sorry about last night

*cami* it's okay, whatever was bothering you last night, it's all fine

*Alex* yeah, anyways where do you want to go later?

*cami* I don't know maybe the park or the amusement park

*Alex* that sounds great!

(cami) I knew something was bothering him, his eyes looked like he was hiding something from me, I don't what is it but I know something is hurting him from the inside.

*cami* I'm going to go inside for a minute

*Alex* alright

*closes the door*

(Alex) I have until tonight to spend my time with her, I need to spend this little we have together right now, even if it's for only a brief but I'll spend it no matter what

*phone rings*

*Alyssa* hello?

*Alex* hey it's me

*Alyssa* oh Alex! Why did you call?

*Alex* I just to talk to you about something

*Alyssa* what is it? is there something wrong Alex?

*Alex* *starts to tear up* u-um can you come by tonight before 7?

*Alyssa* why? Did something happen?

*Alex*'m leaving today

*Alyssa* oh your going back there?

*Alex* yeah but..*starts to cry*

*Alyssa* oh no...Alex don't tell me...

*Alex* yeah...i-I'm going away now

*Alyssa* did you tell cami yet?

*Alex* not yet...I can't tell her yet...I-I'm so sorry Alyssa

*Alyssa* you don't have to be sorry to me Alex

*Alex* I'm so sorry...i-I didn't have a choice

*Alyssa* I get it have to go back there to continue...I understand that very much...don't worry I'll be at cami side no matter what

*Alex* *wipes his tears* yeah thanks Alyssa...just come by tonight

*Alyssa* alright


(Alex) we went to the amusement park on our final date, we played all the games and rides they had there, we ate every food stalls they had there.

*cami* this is so delicious!

*Alex* yeah it is

(Alex) this small moments we have together are something I will treasure forever, even if it was for a brief moment, I will continue to treasure them.

After almost the whole day of roaming around the amusement park and also around Kyoto, we went to the park to relax a bit

*cami* thanks for taking me around the amusement park Alex...I had fun

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