Chapter 22

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(cami) a couple of week since I got the job as an intern here, I've been quite busy with assisting the lawyers in their law firm, writing or printing case documents, going around with them in questioning the defendants, and assisting them in all the cases they took in court, I even got some opportunity to go to court hearings with Alex if he had a case.

Once again I started living in his apartment complex since I moved here a few months ago, this time was different because he only had one room so that means we get to share a bed together, although it isn't the first time we shared a bed together, so It was fine...kind off, since we met once again, we started over in our relationship and went into frequent dates after work, during lunch time or even in weekends, the nearby park was always our favorite destination, just sitting on a bench looking at the fountain or listening to the birds chirping in the background made me more romantic and calm, the occasional fancy restaurant dates were never an exception, frequent dates we're now a norm to us.

I can't believe that this boy that I spend a lot of time back in japan was going to be the person who I would date was just like yesterday we we're still talking through skype and call but know we're going on dates, walking together and sleeping in the same room...I didn't think that all of this would happen, my heart just can't stop beating just falling deeper for this boy.

-at the office-

(Alex) since last year, we have been receiving a lot of court cases related to the drug problem in the country right now, all files that were sent to us were all from the victim's families asking for compensation from the government after their loved ones were brutally murdered by the police in the ongoing drug crackdown, all of us in the law-firm are aware with the situation but we know also that we can't do anything at all...not because we could get killed or something...not at all...well we are aware of this problem since early 2016 but the law firm can't address it, because we know the risk of doing it.

So we sorted out all of those other cases and passed them all to the justice department in the country and just informed their families immediately, after sorting all of those we took on other cases like murder, rape, family dispute, and my favorite of all juvenile delinquency cases.

*cami* how old was he?

*Alex* it says here in the file that...he's 14

*cami* oh my

*Alex* yeah


(cami) after spending the whole weekdays sorting and printing files, me and Alex spent our weekends doing something, Alex decided to meet up with his old bandmates back in UST, after his last year in high school, they still continued to do music as a gigging band until they graduated, Alex still has contact with overtime.

We were picked up by Alex's personal assistant, which was surprisingly the person who I bumped into when I was last here in the Philippines.

*lance* hello sir Alex...and Ms. Cami

*Alex* *confused* do you guys know each other or something?

*cami *embarrassed* y-yeah once

*lance* she bumped into our car a few years ago, and unto this day *shows dent* her mark is still here on the car.

*cami* did I really hit myself hard that time?

*lance* yes...very much, you dived face first unto the car's roof.

(Cami) stupid rat, now I have an embarrassing story now thanks to you...lance took us to where they would meet up, and after a couple of minutes we got to where we were meeting, Alex opened the trunk and grab their guitars, I noticed there was one left inside.

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