chapter 33

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(Cami) the day after the proposal, we got on a train to go to Nerima to visit mom, I told my sister about Alex proposing to me, and she was more surprised than I was, and she said that she was with mom right now along with my other siblings.

Watari and Nao came with us to Nerima, an hour later we finally arrived in Nerima, and Watari jumped out and sprinted out the door and jokingly stand there like he was welcoming us

*Watari* welcome to nerima! *laugh* god I miss doing that every time you guys come here

*Alex* *laugh* yeah I remembered that very much

(Cami) Watari rented a car for us to use while we stay here for some days, the city has improved since the last time we were here, not much has changed but it has improved very much

On the way there, we were mesmerized by the time we had here in Nerima, from the park to the dock to the street that we walked through eating at those restaurants, and finally, we arrived at our old home.

When we went in into the home, my mom, my sister, and my brothers surprised us, they prepared something for all of us to celebrate our engagement

*everyone* congratulation on the engagement!!!

*cami* oh my god, you didn't have to do all of this!!!

Mom approached my giving me a bouquet of flowers and then hugging me with tears in her eyes

*mom* congratulations my dear daughter, your finally growing up now.

*cami* thanks, mom.

*mom* take care of my precious daughter Alex.

*Alex* I will mom *giggles*

*mom* well you two, I knew this was meant to be when I first knew Alex, you two have a very bright future together.

*cami* thank mom

*brother* aww, look at you man, you came from playing ball with us to marrying our little sister, take care of her alright?

*Alex* yeah man...*fist bumps* always

*Aimi* congrats you two!

*cami* thanks sis!

(cami) we ate together celebrating this new chapter in our lives, an hour later pulled me aside to another room.

*cami* is something wrong?

*Alex* actually no, there's someone who wants to talk to you just for a bit, just by the phone

*cami* it your mom?

*Alex* yeah...she wanted to see you

*cami* oh alright then

(Cami) he grabbed his laptop and set it up on the table in the room, after trying to call her on the laptop she finally picks up

*Alex* mom? Can you hear us?

*mom* yes I can hear son

*Alex* great, I guess I have to introduce you to her now

*mom* well go on, let me see her

*cami* *sits on the chair* oh hello ma'am

*mom* ah so you must be cami, I've heard a lot about you from Alex.

*cami* it's nice to meet you ma'am

*mom* well it's nice to meet you two

*Alex* well then I guess I should leave you two to talk now

*mom* oh okay, you can leave us now

*cami* go on

(Cami) the two of us talked about a lot of things, like how the both of us met, the time in manila and most importantly what has happened in the past few months till now

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