Chapter 36

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(Cami) after spending our whole month honeymoon we went back home to Kyoto to continue on our daily lives, when we got back safely we went straight back to work, Alex went back to his job as a legal advisor and a political science teacher in the same school were Ms. Maribien and atty Francesca are working at as well, Eliza also went back to her regular classes.

As for me I went back to a new job I got in as a consultant for a business group that pays well enough for me, in this job I occasionally talk with people that are looking for consultation about things like disputes and bilateral affiliation and etc. nothing much has changed other than the two of us being married now, back home we still follow our usual routine since high school, I'll cook us breakfast in the morning while Alex will cook dinner for us in the evening, the three of us would just buy our lunch at the nearby convenience store form our home, occasionally Erica would come by our home to hang-out and chat and when Nao and Watari don't have games to compete they stay by our house and chill for a bit.

(Alex) one day while I was doing some paper works in my office, there was a group of well-dressed individuals who were affectionate enough to recognize me, they introduced themselves as members of a political party that my former boss Marco was a member of.

*person* we have been wanting to meet you for the while now, we've heard a lot about you form your former mentor.

*Alex* is that so? It's been a while since I've work there

*person* that is not why we are here to talk about, we're here to discuss with you something important

(Alex) they discussed about me joining their political party and become a politician under their wing, at first I hesitated to join them but they insisted that they need someone like me to make a big different in the lives of people, they said that they've heard how logical and politically smart I was especially in tackling social issues

*person* you're the perfect person that change people lives, your politically wise, you were top 5 in the law school you attended at, we even heard a lot of things from your past professors.

*Alex* if I going to join your party, what am I going to gain from you guys?

*person* life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, this is what you're going to gain

*Alex* I've always wanted to become a politician since I was teenager but I didn't think it would come to this

*person* you're the most politically wise person the world has ever seen, you have the charm and capabilities to lead and inspire people to do the same, your also a lawyer so you might now how the law works, you joining us would only benefit those who believe in your own capabilities.


(Alex) back at home, I discuss this proposal they gave to me to my wife and Eliza, at first they were shock at what they heard as well, but cami said otherwise:

*cami* why are you taking down this great opportunity for you?

*Alex* are you sure you want me to do this?

*cami* Alex you're the most politically wise person we've ever known, and back then people thought you would become a great leader someday at how good you tackle social issues so easily than anyone can do, then why are you turning down this opportunity for you?

*Alex* I don't know I just feel that this doesn't feel right to do

*cami* it's okay *pats his shoulder* but you got to trust on your capabilities to lead and help others, isn't this what you've always wanted to do for the longest time now right? Make people's lives a bit better right? Now's the chance to do that

THE BLOSSOMING CAMELLIA FLOWER (カメリア)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora