Chapter 29

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(Cami) after a few weeks after waking up from his coma, the doctors discharged him after taking all sorts of tests on him.

Lance and Eliza picked us up from the hospital when we were discharged

*lance* it's good to see you doing fine again sir

*Alex* you don't need to be formal with me man

*lance*'s good to see you again dude

*Alex* you too man

*Eliza* where should we go now, Ms. Cami?

*cami* how about we take him back to his apartment first to rest for a bit

*Eliza* guys must be tired of being in the hospital for the past few months now

*cami* yeah

(Cami) on our car ride back to his apartment, we caught up on things that have happened in the past few weeks, lance has been a source of information to us since he started working in the company a couple of months ago.

He told Alex what has happened in the past few months since his accident while listening he had a serious expression on his face, I think he knew something about all of this, but I didn't bother to ask him, maybe he knew something about this but didn't want anyone to know about it

*Alex* it's a mess, isn't it?

*lance* very much...since then everything has changed in the company, mostly some of your co-workers have left the company now and no longer work there now.

*Alex* I know...maribien visited me a few days ago and told me that

*cami* so what are you going to do now?

*Alex* the same thing as what both Francesca and Ms. Maribien have done

*cami* what? Are you sure about that Alex?

*Alex* what is there we can do now? the place is basically a mess now...there's nothing much we can do now about it...both our superiors and co-workers have left

*lance* did you know about it anything about it Alex? You know...the new c.e.o

*Alex* *sighs* yes...I know

*lance* *sighs* there's nothing much we can do about it now than just do nothing about it.

*cami* wait...what are you guys talking about?

*Alex* we know Hailey is the one behind his killing...and also with my attempt

*cami* what?

*lance* it's a shock but that's the truth, there's no one confident enough to try to kill two important individuals in the company.

(Cami) while talking, lance's phone rang, it was from Alex's uncle, he said to bring us to their home

*Alex* who was it?

*lance* it was your uncle, he wanted me to bring you guys to their home

*cami* really? What for?

*lance* he said it was something important

*Alex* I wonder why


*uncle* glad to see you doing good now dear boy

*Alex* thanks...but why did you want to meet with us this urgently.

*uncle* yes...well I wanted to discuss with you all something very important concerning...well... everything that has happened in the past couple of months

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