Chapter 17

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-LATE 2013-

-Four months later-

(cami) it's already been half the year already, we're already halfway into our last year in class, a lot of things have passed in a couple of months already, I stopped singing at bars and went back to working on the café, my grades are still good but my study schedule shifted drastically which meant I only study a few times in a week, Alyssa was doing her own thing, she joined the debate club, I didn't join her because it was too political for me, even if I'm a social science student, it was too chaotic for me.

mi-young and I got a little close since then, although we only occasionally meet at our workplace but it was fun to have her around, she always tell me about Korean culture which amazed me, although one time she did tackle about ww2 and the Japanese occupation, it did make me uncomfortable but I just brushed it off and jokingly apologize about the war and just laughed it off.

At night when Alex isn't busy, he would occasionally video call me on skype where we would talk for hours, it did make me less stressful and sad... but he would comfort me by showing me around his school and his classmates and roommates.

*Alex* so how's school cami?

*cami* oh it's tiring sometimes but I'm still doing good though

*Alex* good for you

*cami* how about you?

*Alex* doing pretty great also, our air conditioning broke so it's a bit hot in here but we're holding up just fine.

*cami* *giggles* well I hope you'll do fine there...

*Alex* yeah

*cami* really can't come right?

*Alex* yeah I really can't cami...I'm very sorry

*cami* its okay, like you said I'll continue to wait until I can see you person

*Alex* *smiles* yeah...just hang in there for a bit okay?

*cami* alright...I guess I'll see you later now, I have some things to do now

*Alex* alright then you

*cami* *giggles* love you too

*hangs up*

*Alyssa* I didn't know you guys we're on skype at this hour?

*cami* AH! Alyssa! How long have you been standing there?

*Alyssa* ever since you two talked about their broken air conditioning.

*cami* come's the best thing I have to see him.

*Alyssa* continue on what you're doing, I'll go back to the kitchen to make some coffee.

*cami* make some for me

*Alyssa* yeah sure

(cami) just one more year until I finish high school...just one more year I can do this...just hang in there cami...hang in there a bit more, you can make it in the end..i know it.

In a couple of weeks is our exams so that's why we need to study more than ever... so after work I would immediately go straight home and lock myself in my room to study, sometimes I would bring the coffee machine in my room to get that energy boost I need, the occasional headaches would happen so I just sleep it out until it's gone, somedays I would go the whole night without sleep and be exhausted in the morning.

I have to admit, I am pushing myself so hard this days, I don't why but I just wanted to do better in my academics than before, sure I am pushing myself into the limit but still I do even small naps or rest just to rest my eyes or head would help sometimes, there are certain topic that I don't understand so that's why I study it to understand it better, in some occasions I would join mi-young's friend group in a study group, Alyssa would join us sometimes, or in our apartment, we study together sometimes.

THE BLOSSOMING CAMELLIA FLOWER (カメリア)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora