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"Everything was destined to happened, no matter how we try hard to change our future. We were destined to meet along the journey. We chose to walk the path together. Even if it wasn't hard sometimes but we continued to walk on the path...until we came to the end of the journey. Where the door opens to us. The door that will lead us to our final destination. Which is finding peace in ourselves...our journey may end but we will meet again on the path no matter what.. That is the map of our soul"


(Cami) oh where am i? Did I die? Why do I feel...different? The last thing I remember was laying on my hospital bed, maybe I did pass away but, why do I feel different than usual?

This place looks very familiar to me, I feel like I've been here before, I walked in this empty abyss, there wasn't anything around except that bright tree in the distance, as I approached closer to the tree I begin to remember what this place was.

This may be the place I used to dream about when I was young, I remember dreaming about this tree and that girl in white clothing talking to me about something, but I can't seem to remember what she was saying to me in that dream.

As I got closer to the tree? Someone was waiting for me under that tree, as I got even closer a voice suddenly spoke out to me

*camellia* welcome back

*cami* huh? Who is that?

*camellia* it's me...your spirit guide

*cami*'s you, did I die?

*camellia*'ve lived a fulfilling life, as you would have wanted it to happen

*cami* you were right, I did live a fulfilling life as I always wanted it to happen in the first place, although it wasn't easy at first but in the end it was fulfilling.

*camellia* this is how you wanted it to happen, you wanted to walk a different path and yet it was rough at first but began to become more fulfilling the more you endured it all and continue to walk on that path.

*cami* thank you...for making it fulfilling in the end

*camellia* you are but to thank yourself, it was you who made it all happen, it was your choice that brought you this life.

*cami* so what happens now?

*camellia* come with me...and I'll bring you to a more beautiful place than where we are right now

(Cami) the mysterious figure pulls me into a door in the tree, and then it lead us into a beautiful scenery up on a hillside under a blooming cherry blossom tree, it was the most peaceful and most beautiful place I've ever seen

*cami* is this heaven?

*camellia* yes this is your heaven

*cami* wow...this place is beautiful

*camellia* it was the place you used to go to when you were young

*cami* really?

*camellia* yeah but I want you to meet someone very special to you

*cami* who?

*camellia* come with me

(cami) she grabs my hand and pulls to a part of that hill, as she pulls me to where she wanted us to go to, I begin to see a familiar face that I haven't seen for a long time now.

*Alyssa* cami?

*cami* *shock* Alyssa is that you?

*Alyssa* really is you! *hugs and tears up*

THE BLOSSOMING CAMELLIA FLOWER (カメリア)Where stories live. Discover now