chapter 10

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(Cami) after our summer vacation was officially over, the school was back in session once again but this time was different now, since we graduated high school, we are now formally senior high school students which means in a few years we would be in college now, I still can't believe that a year has already passed now and we're in our senior years now.

Our day started out typically, Alex made breakfast, and we walked to school and arrive there five minutes later.

*Alex* so we're finally seniors now huh?

*cami* yeah...time does fly fast

*Alex* well then I'll see you in class then

*cami* all right then and see you...oh and one more thing

*Alex* what is it?

*cami* *pulls his collar* don't try to flirt with anyone okay?

*Alex* yes ma'am

(Cami) this year would be different, Alex and I are in a different classes because of the different curricula we took, Alex took political science class while I took social science which is the same curriculum but it's totally different.

It was the first that I don't any of my friends in the same class, Nao is in Korea right now, Erica went to a different school and Akira is in the same class as Alex, everything was different for me.

When I got to our classroom, they were already a few people in there now, so I took a seat by the window and took out my phone, and went on the internet until

*student* excuse me, can I seat here?

*cami*oh sure go ahead

*student* thanks!

*cami* are you new here?

*student* oh! Yeah, I just moved from Tokyo last week

*cami* really? That's nice, I'm cami by the way

*Alyssa* Alyssa, nice to meet you


(cami) after class, Alyssa and I got the chance to get to know each other better, since it was lunchtime, I waited for Alex to finish his class

*Alex* sorry for making you wait, our teacher took a bit longer to finish his lecture

*cami* it's okay, by the way, this is Alyssa she's a new friend of mine

*Alex* nice to meet you

*Alyssa* oh nice to meet you two, is he your boyfriend or something?

*cami* well...not exactly but we just live in the same apartment

*Alyssa* oh, so he's still single

*cami* uh yeah let's not get to that now okay?


*cami* by the way where is Akira though?

*Alex* oh him? He's in our classroom hanging out with the others

*cami* how about you? You didn't make any new friends?

*Alex* well about that

*Akira* dude! Where have you been? We've been looking for you

*Akira's friends* yeah man!

*Alex* I was out eating lunch with my friend here

*Akira* I guess cami is like your girlfriend now-

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