Chapter 27

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(cami) the police started questioning each one of us in the office for two weeks, eventually, the two of us got acquitted in the end after the police found no proof that we have involved in it since we were in japan when the accident happened, a few weeks later Alex and I decided to go on a date, it was our anniversary since we started dating a couple of years ago, I can't believe that we had been dating for three years now, time does fly so fast.

A few months after saving up some money, I finally moved into my own apartment now, although at first I kind of missed living with him for a bit he will come by my place occasionally so it was fine, while preparing for our date I got into the most beautiful outfit that I could find for our date, I was excited for where he will be taking us for our date, an hour later he texted me to wait for him by this restaurant...I asked him if something happened...he replied that he was just picking up Eliza from her school that night.

She has been starting to go to senior high since his uncle pledged to fund her education, right now she is taking social science as a course, it was wonderful to know that she wanted to follow in her dad's footsteps as made me happy for her, at least she has begun to live a new life now.


(Alex) since this morning...I've been feeling uneasy...why do I feel something bad is going to head has been hurting since this morning...I've been getting these weirdly accurate dreams about a car crash or made me anxious a bit even if I shrugged it off. It's bothering me for a bit but I tried to keep my composure for's our anniversary today and I wanted to treat her to a fancy restaurant...I didn't get the chance to take her somewhere fancy when we were in japan a couple of weeks ago...the day before I called the restaurant beforehand for our reservation for tonight... I'd prepared everything for tonight...until Eliza suddenly texted me saying that I need to pick her up...sometimes I think this kid is just doing what I did back in high school...without hesitation, I got into the car and brought my blazer and picked her up from her night after work I helped her out in her homework and explain to her their lessons.


*Eliza* sorry for the inconvenience...I was too tired to ride a taxi home

*Alex* it's 8 in the evening...what we're you still doing in your school?

*Eliza* obviously studying...we have a test in a couple of days

*Alex* you know you could have just done that at home right?

*Eliza* well it was better to do it while in school

*Alex* whatever

*Eliza* where are you going?

*Alex* oh...I'm taking cami on a date's our anniversary today

*Eliza* oh really? Well congratulations you two for staying this long

*Alex* I'll give you the key to the apartment because I think we'll be home later than ever so I'll just call you to open the door okay?

*Eliza* copy that...well enjoy your date you two... make sure to bring a new sibling when you get home

*Alex* *laugh* we're too early for that

*Eliza* anyways thanks for picking me up dad *opens the door*

*Alex* hey you forgot something?

*Eliza* *snabs her eyes* dad I'm too tired for this right now

*Alex* what? Are you already that embarrassed by me?

*Eliza* fine *kisses his cheek* bye dad

*Alex* alright bye

(Alex) I've still had that weird feeling in my gut since this made me wonder why I dreamt about that car crash...sir Marco's death was still fresh in my mind and no one is yet found out who did it but...I've got a feeling that it's our new boss who did it.

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