chapter 8

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-EARLY 2012-

(Cami) summer break is almost over and in a few weeks school will begin, but things are going to be different now, we're entering our final year in high school and after that, we would be in senior high now.

To spend our final days of summer break, I decided for me and Alex to go on a special trip to Nerima: the place where I grew up, Alex wasn't in favor at first but...

*cami* come one please?? *puppy eyes*

*Alex* ughh fine, were going to Nerima

*cami* yay!

*Alex* but were bringing Nao

*cami* eh why?

*Alex* I'm not going along with you to somewhere I'm not familiar with

*cami* alright

(Cami) after planning the trip I immediately called Nao if she wants to come

*Nao* is it ok?

*cami* of course

*Nao* alright then

*cami* great! I'll see you tomorrow.

*hangs up the phone*


*Alex* tell me why did I agree to do this again?

*cami* because I don't want to go alone to my hometown

*Alex* you could have just brought Nao right?

*cami* yeah but, I want to spend it with you

*Alex* whatever

*Nao* hey guys, sorry I'm late

*Alex* oh hey, I haven't seen you since we went to the beach

*cami* actually though, where were you that day?

*Nao* oh, something urgent happened so I had to leave, I'm very sorry about that you guys

*Alex* no worries

*cami* it's okay, now shall we go?

*Alex* yeah sure

*Nao* yeah


(Nao) I had to lie to her... in reality, I received a message from a scouting agency for softball and they wanted me to join their team, the thought of that at first was very delightful but I suddenly realize that I'm going to leave cami... I've been her friend since middle school, and I know how to hurt he was when her closest friend left abroad, and I didn't want to see her in pain like that again... maybe this trip would give me the perfect opportunity to hear the news and also... I've been feeling something it's been like this for a while now and I don't know why

*Alex* hey

*Nao* h-huh? Oh

*Alex* here *gives her a snack* take it

*Nao* oh thanks...

(Nao) maybe... I've been having feelings for someone for quite a while now...maybe...

"I've started to develop feelings for Alex" that can't be right, I shouldn't be having feelings for someone who has is dating someone, and I can't fall for him, it's wrong to do something like that...but... when I see him, I could feel my heart flutter a bit, I mean just look at him

*Nao* *stares at Alex*

(Nao) his face is so perfect, his kind, very enthusiastic, and most of all, he's someone that is loyal to you... he's everything I dream about as a perfect boyfriend for me, but he's my best friend's boyfriend and I don't want to hurt cami more than she was, I don't want to break our friendship.

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