Chapter 33

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"Hey Cassie?" She picked her head up to look towards Hayley, "Yes doll face?" Hayley shifted awkwardly, "I don't mean to sound pushy but when are you planning on telling Avery, or Klaus? I get it, it's a difficult thing to do but you have to tell them at some point." Cassie sighed, "I'll tell them I'm just nervous that's all..." Hayley held her stomach, "I'm starving, have the cravings hit you yet?" Cassie bit her lip, "Not yet, just morning sickness." Hayley shrugged and walked out of her bedroom, Cassie stood and followed her. Hayley continued on and Cassie stopped, when she walked into the living room she saw Klaus and Elijah sitting, they were reading books. Her stomach began to turn as she saw the girl lying on the table, blood poured from her neck and mouth, Cassie quickly covered her mouth. "I'm gonna be sick..." She trailed off as an uneasy feeling washed through her.

Rebekah came and held up Cassie as she gagged, her eyes stayed locked on the ground, "Are you alright darling?" She shook her head before running back to her bedroom, she got to the bathroom and finally threw up. Letting all of the fluids from her system go. Cassie shivered and wiped her mouth. When she looked up she was met with Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus standing in the doorway, all with a worried look on their face. "I'm fine... I'm fine..." Elijah turned his head and made direct eye contact with a worried Rebekah. She grit her teeth when she turned back to Cassie, "Cassandra..." She brought her head up, "Klaus there's something I need to tell you..." Elijah walked through the door and knelt down, "Cassie darling you don't have to say anything." Klaus seemed enraged by the words spewed from his brothers mouth, "What in the bloody hell is that supposed to me?" Elijah stood back up, Cassie sighed, "I'm pregnant with Avery's children. It's twins, either you support me, or you get the hell out of my way." She sucked in her breathe, waiting for a response. In the short time Cassie had run off to the bathroom Hayley had joined in on the commotion, watching from a far, eating a bowl of cereal.

The room was dead silent. You could've heard a pin drop, Klaus simply began to laugh, he took in an exaggerated gasp, "Now that, that love, is something truly diabolical. It's a sick joke, you got me." Her face never changed, staying the same, sad and dull. His face slowly dropped as he realized she was telling the truth, "Listen for yourself." The three vampires in the room slowly stilled in their motions. Cassie sighed, she shifted her gaze between them as their faces watched her stomach in amazement. "Two heartbeats..." Rebekah smiled, Cassie could've sworn she saw a tear in her eye. Elijah helped Cassie stand up, but as she went to leave the bathroom Klaus was quick to stop her. He held is hand out in front of her, she stopped, her gaze was brought up to him. A chill ran through her body as she recognized the emotions running across his face, he was angry. "Nik..." Within a second he grabbed her wrist, "What the hell were you thinking?" She raised her hand up and it landed hard across his face, he quickly let go, "What was I thinking? What was I thinking? You cannot be serious Niklaus Mikaelson!"

     "Oh I am! You crawled right into bed with some man you barely even know!" Her jaw went slack, anger boiled in her mind, she took steps towards him. The feeling bubbling in her became overwhelming, "Tell me Nik! Did you crawl into bed with Hayley before or after you told me you loved me? Or what about when we kissed hm? I just want to get the timeline right!" She shoved him, causing him to stumble backwards. "You disgust me, you dare to accuse of of such things when you are just as terrible, if not even worse. You're only angry because you cannot seem to get over me, well guess what? Take a hint." Cassie licked her lips and let out a long sigh, the anger and rage slowly melting away. Klaus stood in disbelief, his eyes never left Cassie, he stared at her, his mind trying to register what had just happened. "Badass..." A crunch came from the other side of the room, they all turned their heads as Hayley spoke. A smirk clear on her face, "I knew I liked you Cassie but damn, I think I might just love you now." Cassie had to bite her lip to keep a laugh from escaping. Hayley ate her cereal in peace, leaning up against the wall. Klaus stormed out of the room with that, his hard footsteps sounded through out the house, before they all heard the front door slam shut.

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