Chapter 51

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"You two... might just be the most stubborn people, I have ever had to work with." Cassie snickered, slightly amused at Cami's frustration. They'd been sitting in the living room for over half an hour. Both Cassie and Elijah refusing to talk about their trauma, neither one of them wanting to open up. "It's called denial, you should try it." Cassie rubbed her hands together, back and forth, her daylight ring was still on her original body. Normally in times like these she would spin it around and around, easing any tension that might linger. "Cassie please, give me something... why don't we talk about your time after... the birth." Her head snapped up, mouth suddenly going dry. "Do we really want to talk about this? Of all things? Go after Elijah, he's the one who went all Ted Bundy on a bunch of people in a diner." Elijah's head turned from his sitting position in the chair, he seemed offended but Cassie couldn't bring herself to care.

"We could but you also went Bundy... the Eternal Coven? I saw it in the news, thirteen girls all brutally murdered in a sanatorium? Some lit on fire, others being ripped limb from limb, and Jenny being impaled by the front gates." Cassie licked her lips and made eye contact with Cami, "You do not hold back, do you? But as for that pitiful coven, consider that child's play. They deserved much worse than what they got." Cami shifted in her chair clearly uncomfortable by the words coming out of her mouth. "Fine, let's talk about Avery, or Carmen, or what about Allison?" A shiver ran down her spine at the mention of those names, by instinct she sat up, coming closer to Cami. "Oh yes let's talk of all the people I've let down because I'm sure that shall cure everything." Her voice began to falter, anger bubbling up inside of her. Cassie slumped back down in her chair, chewing on her bottom lip at the awkwardness that had now come from this situation.

     Just as Cassie went to stand up she got lightheaded. A wave of nausea came crashing down on her, her vision blurred and her knees went weak. Her body collapsed and when she opened her eyes, Cassie realized she was no longer at the farm house, but in a different location. It all seemed fuzzy, like there was a cloud in the air as she slowly sat up. She felt a hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright?" The accent was what threw her off, she peered up through her lashes to see Klaus standing kneeling above her. "Nik? Where are we?" He let out a sigh, his eyes wandering off, locking onto something in front of them. She tilted her head to see Kol and Elijah standing in the middle of a dark room. It was a small cabin, the only light coming from a few small windows scattered across the walls. Cassie got to her feet, brushing off any dirt and crumbs that cling onto her jeans.

"It's Finn..." She scoffed at the idea and made her way into the center of the room, there were five chairs all sitting in a circle. Each one with an animal head sitting high above it, she looked at them all and finally allowed herself to recognize them. A stag, a wolf, a fox, a boar, and her beloved animal, a snake. It's coloring was gorgeous, white with specks of brown sprinkled through out. It was wound up in a coil, the head stick straight out from its body. "Anyone else getting déjà vu or is it just me?" Elijah leaned up against his chair, supporting his weight on his hand, "Believe me, it is not just you..." She looked over at Kol, he seemed nervous and frazzled. "What's got you in a twist?" He looked over at Cassie and went wide eyed, "My body is sitting in a complex full of hungry vampires! I can't afford to be sitting here playing games!" Cassie rolled her eyes, "Oh no one cares Kol."

     "Welcome, it's nice having us all in the same room. Just like old times..." The sinister voice made Cassie roll her eyes for a second time. "Finn! Come here to torture us with boredom?" She turned around to see a clearly not amused Finn. "I have to say you've flourished in this new body. I'm disappointed though, you were meant to leave behind your vampiric behaviors and within just a few hours you ripped apart an entire coven." Cassie shrugged, flashing him a smile, "So happy to disappoint you once again. Now that introductions are out of the way, care letting us go?" He hummed, "Not yet. There is much we need to discuss." Cassie chewed on her lip, leaning against a pillar in the cabin, "In this place? What, too scared to face us in person so you lock us all together in a mental prison?" Elijah looked around at the room, his eyes canning over the animals mounted up on the wall. "I can only presume these are meant to represent us?"

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