Chapter 2 (S1)

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"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

A/N: I'm planning on updating once a week around friday AEST, I already have the next few chapters ready but I'll keep to the schedule for now hope you guys enjoy :D

3rd Pov:

Following Rias and Y/N chatting, they forgot the reason why Y/N was up at this time in the first place, but a certain mother was definitely not happy...

Serana: "Y/N!!!! GET UP, I DIDN'T BUY THAT EQUIPMENT FOR NOTHING.....oh hello, ummm Y/N I'll speak to you when you get downstairs, sorry for waking you guys up....."

Slowly closing the door and walking down the stairs we hear a sobbing mother complaining of how her child grew up so fast and that she can't spoil him anymore

Rias: "Well she's an interesting mother that's for sure, also where's your dad if you don't mind me asking?"

Y/N: "Before I answer any of this can you at least put some clothes on" refusing to stare at the naked demoness in his room Y/N has his back to Rias trying not to get aroused enough to let his lust get the better of him, realising he himself is also still naked Y/N immediately went to his draws to at least cover himself with something that would hide the visible lust he had for Rias.

Rias: "There all done, you can turn around if you want, now shall we go do some training?"

Y/N: "Sure lets go, first I usually just go for a jog cause can never have enough endurance... Are you right running in your school uniform or do you want something else to wear? I'm sure my mum has something"

Rias: "I'll be fine as to increase your training, you'll have to carry me, that'll help your endurance and also get your legs stronger, it'll be like a fun piggy back ride with master and servant"

Y/N: "Riigghhtt okay well then, I guess lets head off then,"

Heading downstairs Y/N forgot about the irritated mother that walked in her sons room not too long ago.

Serana: "Oh Y/N before you go out, may I speak with you... privately.. NOW!"

Y/N: 'Welp I'm dead,' with a quick sigh "Yes, coming now mother"

leading them both to another room Serana drags Y/N into it closing the door behind them

Serana: "Alright young man explain yourself and why you're hurting your adoring mother by bringing another girl here to shower you with affection hmmmm??"

Y/N: "She's just a friend from school, that's all there is too say, and we're going to go exercise together too, so she decided to stay here tonight instead" 'please buy the lie, please buy the lie!!'

Serana: "That doesn't explain why you both were naked let alone sleeping in the same bed... I just wish you'd tell me these things so I don't have a heart attack in the morning, but I guess it makes sense, you are Y/N my little lady killer of a son hehe now you two go have fun"

Y/N: "Yea.. Thanks, welp we'll be back to get ready for school soon" 'she bought it oh thank god' "Okay Rias lets head out now, it's very nice the sunrise in the morning so that's a bonus"

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