Chapter 20 (S2)

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"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

The next day after school Y/N finds himself with Issei and Asia in the courtyard of the ORC while the rest of the group are watching from the window of the clubroom, as Issei throws a ball at Gasper he manages to freeze it in place without freezing everyone else.

Y/N: "Good job Gasper,"

Asia: "Good job Gasper, you're able to catch it once out of every 20 trys now"

Issei: "Which is a big improvement from zero, alright next ball"

Asia: "Incoming"

Issei: "Ready or not here we go!"

Gasper: "Okay.. Owww"

Y/N just facepalms before helping Gasper up and taking the ball back to Issei and Asia

Y/N: "I'm going to step out for a bit, I need some air"

Issei: "But you're outside already-"

By the time Issei had finished his sentence Y/N had vanished through a pink portal

Kiba: "What's wrong with Y/N, he hasn't been himself today"

Koneko: "I don't smell Rias on him either"

Issei: "That's not good, for him.... hehe nows my chance to snag President for my harem Oww-"

Asia smacks Issei's head as he gets a pervy face thinking about Rias


Y/N: "Do you think she'll stay mad at me forever?"

Palkia: "Well you did keep the fact that you were friends with her mortal enemy, but she will come around"

Y/N: "You're not giving me any confidence, what do you think Dialga?"

Dialga: "I'm not an expert in this area Y/N, neither is Palkia"

Y/N: "That's unfortunate, also where's Cynthia?"

Dialga: "She's still searching for my Artifacts, Palkia was able to locate the dimension it's hidden in but I refused to let him give her the exact location."

Y/N: "Well that will help her get stronger so that's good, but I still don't know what to do about Rias!!"

Palkia: "Give her time then give her something that shows how much you care about her"

Y/N: "A gift yes but what to give her hmmmmmmm she likes Kyoto, red, any kind of japanese culture,-"

Dialga: "Calm down Y/N, you still need to give her some time to herself"

Y/N: "Yea... you're right"

Palkia: "Lets do some training to get your mind off of things, Dialga you in?"

Dialga: "I have time"

Y/N: "...."

Y/N summons his weapons and summons his balance breaker that Palkia had started getting him to train with before he starts to take on the two gods getting himself thrown around from their immense power, everytime Y/N sustains an injury the balance breaker heals him

Y/N: "Woah why do I heal like the phenex clan?!"

Palkia: "Your body's slowly evolving to become a incarnation of space like me, eventually you will become the God of Space, when your body is ready your devil pieces will be removed along with your Devil DNA and you will transition"

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