Chapter 15 (S2)

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"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

3rd Pov:

Sona and her peerage along with Rias and her peerage were standing outside of Kuoh academy where Kokabiel declared he was going to start his war, as the two peerages prepared themselves Sona's peerage summoned a large protective dome around the entire school

Sona: "We've covered the entire school with a protective barrier, if nothing drastic happens it should be able to keep anything within it from getting damaged"

Rias: "Thank you Sona, this means so much"

Sona: "Understand that this will only work if conditions remain the same"

Rias: "Got it"

Just then Tsubaki appears and starts adding her magic to help protect the school with Sona

Issei: "Tsubaki how's Irina?"

Tsubaki: "Her condition is not life threatening, she can thank Asia for that"

Asia: "What a relief"

Issei: "Where's Xenovia, I wonder if she'll even come now?"

Y/N: "She'll be here with Kiba I'm sure, there's no way they missed that giant golden ray of light"

Sona: "I'll keep the barrier up, but I might not be able to keep the school from collapsing as much as I'd prefer to avoid it"

Rias: "I'm not going to let that happen"

Sona: "Rias, it's not too late, you can still contact your brother"

Rias: "You know what I don't see, you trying to contact your big sister"

Sona: "With good reason too, Sirzechs loves you, you know he would want to assist us, there's no doubt he would come here as soon as you called him, so call him"

Akeno: "There's no reason, I've already contacted Sirzechs"

Rias: "How could you do that without asking me first"

Y/N: "Rias, I know you don't want to bother your brother but we are going to need his help, thank you Akeno,"

Rias: "I guess you're right Y/N...

Akeno: "Yep, Sirzechs's forces will arrive in just about an hour"

Rias: "Good grief girl, I can't win against you can I... Should be a fun hour"

Y/N: "Lets go, I've contacted Sif and Artorias as well so they'll be here to assist when they can"

As Rias's peerage make their way inside the school Rias starts discussing her plan.

Rias: "Issei, I need you to play support this time"

Issei: "Support??"

Rias: "I want you to use your ability to transfer your power to the rest of us to increase our strength"

Issei: "No problem I'm all over it"

Rias: "In the mean time I think we can stall untill Issei can transfer his power to everyone don't you?"

Akeno: "Yea I bet we can manage that"

Koneko: "Absolutely"

Y/N: "Anything specific you want me to do Rias?"

Rias: "Help stall, your power can't match up to that of Kokabiel so I don't want you to try and fight him alone"

Y/N: "Fair enough I can do that"

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