Chapter 22 (S3)

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"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

Y/N lays in bed of his new home with two girls wrapped around him clinging to his arms and sleeping peacefully, still being too early to get up Y/N looks down and smiles remembering all the events leading up to where he is now before remembering something that his partner palkia said

Y/N: 'Palkia, you said that Cynthia and I will keep developing a natural bond right?'

Palkia: 'That is correct, us creation trio members feel connected incase something were to happen to us the bond would let the other members know'

Y/N: 'But what could threaten you?!'

Palkia: 'My father Arceus developed a way for Dialga and I to remain calm, we called them the lake guardians, the three of them could calm either of us down, in another time a group of people captured them and created a prison sort of thing that forced us to do whatever the group leader wanted, had it not been for Giratina the group leader would've been sucessful in forcing Dialga and I to create a new universe'

Y/N: 'A new universe!?!! Well I guess I shouldn't be surprised you have that kind of power, but this bond how strong will it get?'

Palkia: 'I'd say you will most likely be getting a 3rd member of your-'

Y/N: 'Yea yea I get it-'

Getting disturbed from his conversation with Palkia, Y/N opens his eyes and seeing Akeno had crawled ontop of him seeing him awake Akeno quickly closes the distance before pressing her lips to Y/N's...


Stumbling out of his room and into the bathroom Y/N closes the door before looking in and seeing Rias and Akeno both back to sleep with big smiles on both of their faces, making his way over to the shower Y/N cleans himself before getting changed and heading downstairs to the ground floor to find both his parents and Issei's parents talking to each other and getting along well

Y/N: "Morning all, it's good to see you guys getting along well"

Serana: "Y/N!!! This place is wonderful there's so much room for everyone and the kitchen is so expansive, how on earth did you get this place!?"

Y/N: "Rias's brother generously gave this house to her for all of the club members and their families"

Miki: "I'd never think I'd see the day where my dissappointing son Issei would actually be apart of something this successful"

Y/N: "Ahah you don't give your son enough credit"

Gorou: "You're right perhaps we're giving him too much credit"

Y/N: "...Riiiggghhhttt, well mum what's for breakfast? or do I have to make it myself?"

Serana: "WHAT!! You think I'd let you make breakfast, you'd probably burn this wonderful house down don't worry sweetie I'll make breakfast for you and everyone else it's the least I can do afterall"

Y/N: "...thanks I guess for wanting to make breakfast and roasting me too I guess"

With the smell of bacon, eggs, toast, sausages everyone slowly makes their way downstairs and too the table that Y/N and his father helped set up, with everyone seated Y/N looks around and notices that sitting either side of him is both Rias and Akeno still with smiles on their faces, and surprisingly Y/N could sense Cynthia upstairs but he would question that after breakfast, at the head of the table was Y/N's dad Dan with his wife sitting on his left followed by Issei's parents, everyone else in the club just grabbed their food and sat in a random spot before happily eating the food.

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