Chapter 19 (S2)

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"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

The Next day Rias gathers all the members of the ORC and brings them to a double door in the club building which has many keep out tapes and magic barriers put around it

Rias: "Last night my brother insisted to release this seal and to allow my other bishop to leave this area, I'm not sure why, but the bishop refused the offer"

Issei: "Woah there's another bishop?!"

Asia: "And they lived in there? aww the poor thing"

Y/N: "Yes, Rias has had another bishop this entire time but apparently had to be sealed because Rias couldn't control his power, but now her brother seems to think otherwise"

Akeno: "Such a shame too seeing as the bishop used to be the largest earner we had"

Issei: "What no way you can't be serious"

Kiba: "With special contracts, the bishop used a computer to make them"

Xenovia: "The power this bishop has must be fairly dangerous"

Rias raises her hand and with a bit of her magic breaks the seal around the door which burns all the keep out tapes away

Koneko: "And the seal has been broken"

Rias: "Alright lets see how this goes"

Rias opens the door and the group walks inside to find a very dark room with a coffin in the middle of the room.

???: "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Issei: "What the hell?"

Y/N: "My ears.."

Rias: "Hello, I'm glad to see you're looking well"

???: "I don't understand what's going on!?"

Rias: "The seal has been broken so you're free to come home with us now okay"

Akeno opens the coffin which reveals what looks like a little girl with blond hair, pointy ears blood red eyes and little fangs

???: "Nooo! I don't want to ever leave here, the outside is scary"

Issei: "Whaaaat she's just a little girl, and look she looks a lot like Asia, does that mean all bishops have to be pretty blonds or something?"

Y/N: 'Hehehehe they may look like a girl but I can definitely sense that they're not'

Palkia: 'This will be entertaining'

Kiba: "hahah"

Issei: "Hey.. what's so funny"

Rias: "The child, is a boy"

Issei: ".....Ugh wait, what did you say?"

Rias: "I realise he may look like a girl but he is most definitely a little boy"

Akeno: "haha as you've noticed he does like to dress up like a girl though"

Rias kneels down and gives the little boy a hug

Rias: "Everyone, say hello to Gasper Vladi the other bishop in my household, he's first year student here, and before I had the honor of turning him into a devil, this little guy was actually half human half vampire"

Asia: "What? he's a real vampire?"

Issei: "As in a blood sucker, you're kidding"

Y/N: "Issei be nice to him"

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