Chapter 12 (S2)

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"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

3rd Pov:

Y/N and Palkia are training in the mindscape when Palkia suddenly stops, Y/N not focusing on training anymore realises that he can sense multiple holy aura's in town

Y/N: 'I'm assuming you're sensing the holy aura's too?'

Palkia: 'That I am, although it would seem that your good friend Kiba is fighting one of them'

Y/N: 'Yea that's not good, the real question is will he be okay?'

Palkia: 'It seems like it, he did get cut but the holy aura seemed to have vanished to a different part of town so he scared him off, Kiba should also be fine from what I can tell, but be on your guard tomorrow.'

Y/N: 'Right.. well back too training I suppose,'

Resuming their training in endurance, magical endurance, strength and technique Y/N and Palkia keep fighting for the rest of the night, although both of them were curious as too what was happening.


Waking up from the mindscape Y/N opens his eyes to him being hugged by a naked Rias next to him, slightly brushing her hair out with his hands to stop it from covering her face, Y/N marveled at what he did to gain the attention of one of the Queens of Kuoh.

Rias: "Mmmm... it's too early Y/N, let me sleep"

Y/N: "You can but I have to get up to train,"

Rias: "But you're a comfortable pillow, just miss out today please"

Y/N: "......I'm sorry Rias,"

Rias decides hold onto Y/N tighter get him to stay in bed, not wanting to drag Rias out of bed either Y/N goes for the cheeky approach, kissing Rias on the lips and surprising her allows Y/N to wiggle his way out of her grasp and jump out of bed

Rias: "Mmmm that's no fair Y/NNN."

Y/N: "I'll sleep in with you on the weekend, promise"

Palkia: 'Something tells me you won't get the chance'

Y/N: "But I've got to go get Issei to train, you can stay in bed and sleep in, I'll see you at school Rias,"

Rias already fallen back asleep doesn't respond, so Y/N grabs his training gear and heads off to Issei's place.


Arriving at Issei's Y/N knocks on the door hoping that Issei hadn't forgotten, Y/N was greeted by Asia in some kind of dress with an apron on

Asia: "Oh hi Y/N come in.. Are you here to pick up Issei?"

Y/N: "That I am, is he awake yet?"

Asia: "Yep! we got up just a minute ago, he's still in his room though, ooh would you like some breakfast?"

Y/N: "No thanks, I'll go get him"

Heading up too Issei's room Y/N's about to enter when he hears a voice inside

Ddraig: "I've felt a strong spiritual presense surrounding you lately, it's made me nervous and I can't sleep"

Issei: "Oh yea it's probably just the club members, I've been around them a lot recently"

Ddraig: "I don't even notice your friends anymore"

Issei: "Are you saying there's an enemy close by?"

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