Chapter 25 (S3)

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"Speaking" 'Thoughts/communicating with sacred gear'

'Sacred Gear communicating with Host'

Azazel summons the rest of the ORC members to just outside the meeting room to discuss the plan of how to deal with Loki, many of the members were getting ready for bed and had to quickly change back into their clothes except Y/N who was already present at the meeting

Azazel: "Odin's going to head back up north to retrieve Mjölnir says we'll need it in the coming fight, and while it's great that Ajuka teleported Loki out of our hair he'll only be restrained for about a day, and you can bet he's going to be pissed when he gets back here"

Rias: "One day that's it!?"

Azazel: "Yep and when that happens we're not going to have any choice but to fight him head on, won't be easy either"

Rias: "Because of the Devil King class memebers elect to attack Loki outright it could result in another large scale war which wouldn't be good for anybody, that's far too risky"

Azazel: "Plus it would play into Loki's hand, he wants to bring about Ragnarok and the Chaos Brigade wants to bring about pandemonium, a war like that would further all of their goals, it would be the beginning of the end kiddo's. Nothing would survive"

Akeno: "If Loki gets out before Mjölnir arrives we're screwed"

Rias: "Seems that way, yea I think we need to go talk to my brother"

The ORC and Azazel enter the meeting room where Azazel retakes his seat and Rias steps forward from the rest of the ORC to address her brother, mean while Y/N who already knew what the council was thinking starts to communicate with Cynthia to try and figure something out

Y/N: 'Cynthia I feel like I'm going to need you there for something, I'm not sure what though I'll open a portal to the location when I get there but try to stay out of sight for as long as possible, because if Rias and the rest see you it could cause questions about how you got there'

Cynthia: 'Right, and trust me Y/N I've got the same feeling about needing to be there with you for this fight'

Sirzechs: "...You want to act as a diversion for Loki?"

Ajuka Beelzebub: "I hope you understand I can only teleport about 10 people at once, that's not much, and even with some rest I'll only be able to send one or two more later, you won't have reinforcements"

Rias: "Yes I'm well aware of the danger involved"

Serafall: "That's really sweet but don't think you're the only volunteer"

The door to the side opens revealing Sona, her queen Tsubaki and Saji

Serafall: "Right Sona"

Rias: "You're going?"

Sona: "The three of us would like to offer our services as well, if that's not a problem"

Serafall: "I tried to talk her out of it but she wouldn't listen, then again this whole mess with loki is kinda our fault to begin with, so our little sisters being assigned cleanup duty shouldn't get much objection, won't look like we're playing favourites either"

Azazel: "It's not like there's time to object anyway, that said there's three people we've already decided on"

Rias: "You have?"

Michael: "Yes the first one"

Irina steps forward out from behind one of the pillars

Rias: "Irina!"

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