PLS READ: NEW PFP! 💝Justice 4 Johnny Depp💝

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A/N: Hello you all my luvs who're still waiting for part 2 of the official wedding chapter of Caprico and Lil Wayne! I have just caught up with the viral news that's out right now this weekend and I have heard *no pun intended* what's been going on so! I'm putting the UPDATE ON HOLD ONLY FOR 1 DAY cuz I'm watching day 2 of the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard court hearing right now so hope y'all are doing well and watching some of it too!

Anyways! Here's my NEW PFP (profile pic) to honor and support for Johnny Depp of being INNOCENT from sexual and physical abuse claims from Amber Heard bullshit so feel free to screenshot my NEW PFP (it's not my best but y'know!😌)

Facts don't lie. People do. So Amber Heard is a lying lil shit and I hate liars who makeup stories, violence stories in the past that NEVER HAPPENED. ☺❣❤✨


I'll update hopefully on Saturday so STAY TUNED IN FOR THIS WEEKEND'S EASTER WEDDING MY LUVS~! Stay safe out there! 😘❣❤✨

With love,


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