Chapter 2: Simple Request for a Honey Farmer

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With another day of farming honey nearly complete, Punkin and Cer work quickly to divide the honey into containers for delivery.

Looking at the dark clouds to the West with squinting focusing eyes, Cer notices auras reaching up like vines connecting to the sky. Surprised, Cer mumbles quietly, "That's odd, I have not seen that before."

Hearing Cer's mumbles, Punkin quickly turns her gaze at Cer and chides with accusation, "I knew you were tricking me. You can see. You lied!... You just don't wanna play with me"

" I think those clouds are headed this way. I need you to quiet down so I can focus. I can see things that other people can't, and I can't see the things that other people can. We have talked about this many times, Pupu..." Cer responds, trailing off in distraction.

Upon being reminded, Punkin's expression changes to pensive as she attempts to recall having had the conversation before.

In the distance, the trees fall and a loud rumbling shakes the trees. Birds scatter up into the sky in panic.


Startled by the rumble, Punkin and Cer listen intently for any sign of a threat, a sound, a monster, or a growl... anything.


Suddenly, while listening intently, Punkin and Cer hear a loud buzzing as if a swarm of bees were approaching.

Excitement swells up in Punkin's face as she shouts, "She's here!!! Yay!!!! She will play with me!"

Appearing from the Western forest, a dark and dense swarm of bees fly out of the Western forest, towards the farm and stop just short of Punkin and Cer.

The swarm of bees slow their cyclic buzzing and a dark figure of a woman could be seen standing in the middle of the bee swarm.

Casually walking out of the swarm of bees, Kala approaches Punkin and Cer, wearing her usual leather jacket and leather pants, with her motorcycle being walked by her side and her broomstick resting on the seat.

"Hey, you two! Miss me yet?!? I have something for you!" says a grinning yet charming Kala.

"Baba, I'm so bored...I wanna play with you 'cuz' daddy is so boring. Daddy says he can't see!" whines Punkin as she runs to hug Kala.

"I missed you too, darling! We will get to play later. Right now I need you to practice with the new bubble wand I got you, so you can show me what you can do later.'' Kala says while bending down to hug Punkin.

Kala giggles and reaches behind her to pull out a silver bubble wand. "Here is your first official bubble bee wand for you to blow more bubbles."

"Wow. Pretty. Look daddy, it's shiny! And Twisty! And it has our sign!" Yells Punkin as she reaches for the wand adorned with a twisted silver handle and a bubble wand head shaped like The Apiary logo.

SWOOOSH. Punkin swings the wand and shouts. "It's so easy! It's so light!"

Smiling, Kala holds out a jar for Punkin, "Now go and try it out.... AND before I forget, here is some secret magic potion I made just for you to make bigger and stronger bubbles. Now you are ready to be my apprentice!"

"Now off you go" Kala says gently as she scoots Punkin off to play.

With a grave look on her face, Kala turns to speak directly and calmly to Cer "We need to talk. Did you get my message in the mail?"

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