Chapter 4: Lost and Found at Ursa Dormis Hospitality

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Feeling refreshed, though slightly rested, Cer prepares for the trip by gathering and organizing supplies in front of the house while waiting for Kala to return. Wearing gray casual work pants, a white button-up collar shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a gray vest marked by a demon shriver sigil embroidered onto the back, Cer zips up a sleeveless hoodie embroidered with The Apiary sigil to cover the gray vest underneath.

Reaching above the door, Cer pulls down a wooden box, the size of two shoe boxes. The box has a demon shriver sigil etched into it. With hesitation, Cer takes the box outside with the rest of the supplies.

For a brief moment, the thought of putting the box back into the house, safely hidden away, crosses Cer's mind. I need you to keep me safe. You need me to find peace. I hope this is a good idea, and carrying you won't cause me any trouble.

Sighing, Cer reluctantly throws the box onto Cer's back like a shoulder strapped bag."I hope nobody can sense or see your energy or aura," Cer says quietly to the box.

Turning to the house, Cer calls out, "Punkin.... Baba is coming. I'll have to go soon".

"Ohhh, okaaaaaay... Don't forget the honey," Punkin responds sadly, knowing that Cer is leaving and also feeling excited that she gets time to play with Kala.

"Right...can't forget that." Cer says aloud while picking up a small box containing vials of honey. Running cold fingers over the box to examine the seals and the engraving of a cat on the box, Cer wonders, "Why would Kala use this box for such a small amount of honey to be delivered"

Unable to come up with any satisfying answers, Cer continues to pack, tying the small honey box to the larger wooden box on Cer's back and notices a familiar mystic energy approaching the house.

Approaching quickly, with a big smile on her face, Kala scoots Cer away from the house towards the path the the forest to the West, "Off you go, you big oaf! Make sure you visit Kali for some supplies and guidance."

Sensing Punkin's energy reaching for one last hug, Cer turns and kneels down to embrace Punkin before getting back up and beginning the journey down the western path to the forest.

"Thank you for being such a good drone. Do try to spend some time with her before you leave, syou haven't SEEN her in a long time," Kala jokes as she quickly shouts a request for Cer to inquire about a visitor in their home and some other items that Kali has stored for Kala.

Without turning back, Cer nods and continues walking towards the lushly dense forest with a blind cane in hand, shaped like a large narrow metal toothpick.

Punkin and Kala watch admiringly, as Cer walks the path slowly towards the Western Woods, with the figure of Cer shrinking the further Cer goes.

Suddenly Punkin furrows her eyebrows with concern, as she softly whispers "I think daddy is going to get lost."

Smiling, Kala responds gently, "Who, Cer? Your father won't get lost. Your father will just take the long way if your father can't find the way home."

As they both continue to watch the figure of Cer disappear into the edge of the forest, Kala offers reassuring words to Punkin, "Being lost is okay. We can always find what is lost. And sometimes we are not lost, we just need to take the long way home."


As Cer navigates the forest, occasionally stumbling over the unbeaten and slightly uneven path covered with fallen twigs, branches, and rocks, the mystic energy of a figure swaying back and forth in the distance appears to grow with each of Cer's nearing steps.

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