Chapter 29: Nothing is more Stubborn

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Entering the Nothing, Cer senses a familiar aura within the space though sound and light both dissipate as if the darkness consumes it.

"I see you." Announces Cer with a tone of warmth and welcome. "How long have you been here?"

"Stay away!" hisses the demon Vorax. "I know you. She loathes you."

"Nin... I see you" Cer responds compassionately. "I see you, in there. You know you are not alone. How long have you been here, all alone on your own?"

"Let me out if you want to live. You cannot keep me here." Screams Vorax.

"There is nowhere else to go, but at least you are not alone anymore. You can come home now, Nin." Cer says while reaching out a hand towards the aura in the center of the darkness.

Chuckling, Vorax attempts to inhale Cer to absorb Cer's lifeforce. "I know no Nin. I am not alone AND I AM HOME. I am home to everyone forgotten and lonely. You see, I welcome them here where I am... their home. I am all they need. You are finally home with me."

"I was never yours, Nin. I am sorry. You have become what you have filled your heart with...loneliness and longing. You are insatiable. I cannot let you leave. You will devour everyone to fill your emptiness, yet you can never be filled with what you actually want." Cer says as an eminent glow radiates from Cer's eyes, pushing back Vorax's implosive energy.

"If you won't let me out, I will consume you and this entire dark bubble. You think you know darkness, I am the darkness." growls Vorax as it begins to inhale the edge of the dark bubble. "I can absorb it all and I only get stronger the more I devour! You can't see?!?! I devoured your precious witch. I will consume your daughter just like I did her mother!"

Lifting Cer's other hand to welcome Vorax with open arms, Cer speaks softly. "There is no use. Let the anguish go, Nin. It is me you want and I am here with you, in darkness. We are held by Nothing and you cannot devour Nothing without becoming Nothing. So please, stop trying to feed on Nothing, and come home to us."

Feeling an aura of raising anguish full of regret, Cer senses the core of the aura shift its energy. "I am sorry Cer. Stay here with me, please. It's been so dark and lonely and these souls cannot fill my need... for you"

Filling with sadness and nostalgic longing. "I have missed you. I cherish you now as much as I did before. I have never stopped loving you. You can love someone and not be in love with them, Nin. You don't need me. You wanted the idea of me. Claira showed me with Clarity. I am sorry I did not see how much I hurt you. Come home."

Feeling the familiar aura quiver, Cer perceives a silent whisper within the darkness as the energy of Vorax transforms to a more distinguishable familiar essence of Nin, a timid aura of longing. "How can you invite me home? You have never loved me... and the little witch of chaos will never forgive me."

"Thank you for stepping forward, Nin. I am sorry you are hurt." Responds Cer while slipping into melancholy with darkness seeping into Cer's mind and heart.

Settling down to surrender, Nin abandons her anguish and resolves in despair"I can see what you did. I can feel it Cer. You poisoned me with this Nothing... this void. Is this your magic, or is this your soul? You are no different from that little witch of chaos. She promised me your love, and now Nothing will satiate me. Such irony that Nothing will end me."

Reaching forward with both arms to embrace Nin's aura, Cer accepts what must be done to end the reign of the insatiable demon Nin has become. "Nobody wants to live alone. Moreso, nobody wants to die knowing they are alone. We can die here together. Just let the souls go, and don't hurt anymore people. I am here now, your longing can subside. Let's die together in this darkness and become Nothing. Nobody else needs to suffer."

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