Chapter 19: Head, Clew, or Tack: End of the Sail

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Now with the others gone, Cer turns to Captain Madame Eve and her furry companion Belle, "We still have half a day's ride to the edge of the Mystic Evermore, would you like to help me teach Pupu some more tricks of our trade?"

"I DO NOT engage in trickery and there is nothing to trade." snaps Eve jokingly with a hint of snark and smugness.

Taking no offense to Eve's chide and resistance, Cer continues to probe for Eve's assistance. "Do you still shrive?"

"Nope. Not the way you do. You can hear and see the proof of Claira's work. They are here on their own accord. Claira taught me there is more than just your type of shriving. My vessels are for redemption and seeking a greater serenity. What you and I were taught were lessons of boundless consumption and an unquenchable chaos. Our destinations are the same, but ironically I have found my footing and path before you, my honorable mentor."

Considering the implications of Eve's words, Cer acknowledges Eve's reflections, "I can see that you know your path. I have yet to see mine. I am proud of how far you have come without much guidance after the corruption of the grand isle. Things are different now that I have Pupu. What will you do once Pupu and I disembark and continue with our journey."

With a tone of solemn conviction, Eve reinforces her commitments.

"I will do what I agreed to do. I will return to Miyas, which is hers to steward for and manage, and I will continue to set sail and ferry those that need it. Remember, we all agreed that my crew and I will not get involved in the battles that await you all. Our only agreement is to be the telepathic slingshot for you all before any anticipated wars or battles occur. Belle and I will relay communication between Ordair, Cazem, and Wyndel's pack. That is as far as our involvement goes. Once you all start fighting, my crew cuts off ties.

Any souls that you send to sorters will be ported to the Open See and are fair game for my crew to recruit.

So do your part and let's hope the others do theirs. If all works out, we can resolve your land issues without any war or fighting. It will be nice to have one higher covenant again with our broken covens reunited. I miss our brothers and sisters and miss having a home where we did not have to hide."

Reflecting on the experience of meeting the Mech Nights and hearing about their curse, Cer offers an unsolicited resolution to an assumption of why coven members may be hiding. "Sometimes, to come out of hiding, people need to bring awareness and acceptance to the parts of themselves they fear others won't accept."

Looking at Cer from the corner of her eyes, Eve grins at Cer's hypocrisy, "Sometimes, we need to start with ourselves before asking others to address their own shame, guilt, shadow, and demons."

Without hesitation, Cer responds without feeling perturbed by Eve's snark, "I agree. And sometimes we do both. We walk that path of healing and we invite others to join us to redefine our wholeness, even if we are all hurting."

Sighing in agreement, Eve gets up from her casual squat and looks at Punkin. "Alright sis. Let's do this. Let's get old daddy over here to stop being lazy and lame."

"Daddy? He is your daddy too?" asks Punkin with confusion.

Bursting out with laughter, Eve corrects Punkin. "HAHAHAHA NO WAY HE IS MY FATHER! Claira took care of me and taught me and so did your father. Since they both had you, I figured we are more like sisters... wouldn't you agree?"

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