Chapter 45: Fear No Fault but our Own

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"What do you mean by my 'fault'? I didn't ask for this." responds Cer with rebuttal.

Shrugging off Cer's respond, Aaric responds. "None of us did. Nobody asks to be cursed."

"Are we being punished for being stewards?" asks Cer with genuine curiosity.

Stepping towards Cer, the enchantress with blue armor, M'Alison, chimes in. "That was our first thought too. Our memories are formless when it comes to ourselves. We cannot remember what we look like nor can we go back to our original state. We are stuck in these shapes and forms we choose, but cannot just choose to be ourselves."

While entertaining Punkin with illusions of naga, Lady Rayne adds, "We once thought we had amazing prowess and power; but when you get stuck in the very illusions you create, it no longer feels like you are in control of your power. You go from feeling full of power to feeling powerless."

Adding in with a melancholic tone, Mistress Shell, the enchantress in gold and silk, adds, "It's like we were lost in our own illusions of ourselves. We believed our gifts became our curses."

Feeling confused and running out of patience, Cer asks abruptly, "Then why am I blind? I am not a seer or a scribe. I had no gift of sight for it to be taken away."

Upset with Cer's crassness, Punkin interrupts. "Hey daddy, don't be rude! The pwetty angels were talking. Never interrupt angels."

Grinning, M'Alison thanks Punkin and continues to explain, "Yes, it didn't make sense. That is when we figured it out with Aaric. It made more sense."

Chuckling, Aaric responds "It didn't make sense at first. I did not have a lavish house or fancy living, so why bind my magic to havens? Then I realized, my curse wasn't caused by the ghost and demons like everyone else's. My curse was a sealing curse by Nethmaya. So I wondered if there was a connection?"

Chiming back in, M'Alison responds, "We thought it could be Nethmaya because this type of power is moon magic. The magic of opposites and balance. AND some of our curses are not opposite of our magic or abilities. The curses also didn't happen until the day Claire sacrificed herself using En-lightning to defeat the Legion that attacked Haeven. It couldn't be Claire because she is an enlightened bubble witch."

Growing impatient, Cer calmly interrupts again. "So what is it? How is it my fault or any of ours?"

Offering a warm chagrined chuckle, Mistress Shell answers Cer. "We are cursed by our own faults. The curses are all our faults. My curse is my fault and your curse is all your fault."

Answering methodically to avoid misunderstanding, Lady Rayne clarifies the explanations. " When they say 'fault' they do not mean blame. The mean 'fault' as in flaw. Your curse is your flaw- symbolically."

Laughing, Aaric adds in, "My apologies, I did not clarify. I can see why you are upset, we weren't clear when we said 'fault'. So since it is not moon magic it was not cast by Nethmaya and because Claire only does protection spells, it wasn't her. We concluded the ghost and demons cursed us by punishing our flaws. Except I am a hedgling so I wasn't cursed by demons and ghosts like you. I was sealed with a Grand Witch enchantment which Pupu countered- Grand Witch level."

Addressing Cer, M'Alison finishes her thought . "The ghosts and demons suffered because we failed as stewards. That is what we are punished for. For failing as stewards of the land and dwellers."

Still smiling with melancholic guilt, Mistress Shell adds "And our flaws are now what we have to adapt to. We always chose to hide our vulnerability behind illusions; we also became whatever we wanted or felt we needed to be as shapeshifters. So we can no longer be ourselves and we cannot be seen outside of illusions. That is our curse. We chose to be anything other than ourselves and we now have to live with that."

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