Chapter 20: The Where's of Evermore

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Stepping off the Valkyrie, Punkin and Cer look back one last time to watch the vessels ferrying the dead sail away with Madame Eve looking forward, never turning back to wave goodbye.

"Where we going?" asks Punkin as she looks back at the journey before them.

With one hand on Fang and the other resting gently on the box on Cer's back, Cer responds while scanning the area for danger, "You know, I have no idea where we are going. I know we have to find our way back home eventually, but first we need to find Miyas."

"Madman Eve said it's safe here daddy, you don't needa look for trouble." says Punkin giggling as she reaches to hold Cer's hand as they walk.

"You are right. Let's see where we need to go," smiles Cer while reaching back down to hold Punkin's hand and feeling at peace for the first time in a long time. "Let's walk and see what lessons your mother has left you."

Pulling out Claira's book of mysteries, Cer speaks to the book "May you be open to speak, for you have knowledge that never sleeps, magic of abundance and boundless sharing, and wisdom for the unsparing."

Ending the incantation with a warm exhale, Cer breathes on the book, causing a spherical concentration of dustly particles of light to form above the book.

With a playful tone of warmth and wonder, a voice emanates from the sphere. "Hello my darlings. You must be ready for your gift,,Pupu. I assume your father is nearby, otherwise, who else would have dared break my seal?"

"Mommy!!! You sleep in my book?" squeals Punkin with both excitement and confusion.

"Calm down, darling Pupu. As I expected, your father may have activated me too soon. I am not your mommy. I am what is left of all her memories and magic. I sound like your mommy because that is the love you long for and want to hear. I can only teach you what your mommy already knew and I can only provide information to questions your mommy had answers to. I am not sentient, which means I am not able to perceive, feel, or learn new things".

"Fascinating. Well done Claira. I had no idea this is what you did." smiles Cer with surprise.

"Again, I am not Claira. Think of me as a droid. But a magic one made of light since tech has been doomed for some time. Claira has found a way to encapsulate all her knowledge much like the computers of old. Please call me Clarity."

"Clair-witty! I like it. You can be my pet... uhh light ball. Can I touch you?" ask Punkin curiously.

"Yes you can, I am made of leylium and your mother's tears. I feel like soft tingly dust." responds Clarity in a matter of fact tone.

"What makes you magical?" asks Punkin as she runs her fingers through the center of the mass of light dust.

Forming into small images of light, lines, and auric fields, Clarity responds, "To know that, you need to learn what magic is. Magic is made of three things.

The first part is Mystic. Mystic is your desire, usually influenced by emotion but really controlled by focus on intention and how much you want something to happen, also known as 'will'.

The second part of magic is Mana. Mana is the energy, life force, and connection between your will and the world around you. Lightening and light are forms of energy, but by themselves, have no will, desire, or Mystic.

Lastly, there is Materia. Materia is the molecules and matter, or things, that conduct the mana and energy of magic which are controlled by the mystic or will. Like a lightning rod can attract or direct lightning or a light bulb can concentrate energy into light, but without mystic or will. To make something magical, you will need an object, energy, and something that focuses the intention on what you want to happen."

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