Chapter 13: See of Thievery

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Stepping out of the portal after entering it mere moments earlier, Kala covers her eyes, attempting to adjust to the bright light.

"Hehehe. WEEEEEEE. It tickles! AGAIN!!" screams Punkin, as she steps out of the black mirror port while holding her stomach from laughter.

Sitting on a crate nearby, La Gateau purrs in amusement, "Hmm. Pupu, maybe you should have been a cat. Porting is natural to you. Much like Cer. Is that your first time? Most people get sick."

"It is her first time. I have a feeling it won't be her last," chimes Kala as she squints to examine and process where they have just ported. A boat? He ported us to a boat?"

"I wanna go again!!!" yells Punkin as she runs towards La Gateau.

Jumping out of the way, and barely avoiding getting bum rushed by Punkin, La Gateau hisses, "Whoah, I'm delicate. Be careful. You may want to calm down and stay quiet, or they'll hear us."

Ducking to avoid detection, Punkin looks around frantically and whispers, "Who?"

Now noticing the mist surrounding the ship they had ported onto, Kala turns to La Gateau with accusational surprise, "La Gateau... DID YOU TAKE US TO THE GHOST SHIP?"

"Wha...what? GHOSTS??? Like Arwyn's ghosts? WOOOO!! MORE FRIENDS!!!" screams Punkin as she jumps up and looks around for floating cloaks.

"Well, it is the only place outside of Haeven that the demons won't actually go right?" La Gateau shrugs in a defensively coy tone.

Sighing, Kala rolls up her sleeve to prepare her prayer bead bracelet should any demons attack, "Dear lord...We don't know anything about The Ghost Ship or if it's even safe to be here. How do you even know the demons won't come here? Did you even get permi..."

Interrupting Kala mid-sentence, a bright voice greets them with curiosity and command, "HEY STOWAWAYS! WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU GET ON MY VESSEL?"

Searching to determine where the voice emanates from, Kala provides a confident yet wary response, hoping not to offend their unintentional host, "We come from The Apiary. Sorry for the intrusion, but we had an emergency and needed to port here for safety."

Feeling the gusts of ocean air carrying a distinct smell of flowers and honey, Kala's awareness of her situation grows. Kala grasps the taffrail near her and reaches for Punkin to secure Punkin from going overboard, realizing that they are traveling at great speeds through a mysterious mist with limited vision.

Looking around, Kala tunes in keenly to discern several other ships traveling in close proximity alongside the one Kala, Punkin, and La Gateau are on. Without any trace of a visible crew in sight, each ship continues traveling at great speeds within the mist with its own strong gusts of wind propelling them forward.

"Who said it would be safe for you here?" snides the bright voice.

As a ship passes the stern of Kala's ship, a small wolf with iridescent fur jumps off the starboard side of its ship and lands in front of La Gateau and snarls.

Unphased by the snarling surprise, La Gateau waves at the wolf with his paw to pacify the wolf. "Relax. I'm not going to take your food again."

As another ship approaches their stern through the mist, Kala recognizes a familiar figure standing on its bow and calls out, "EVE?!?!?! Is that you? It's me Kala-lily!"

With excitement, the young woman, dressed in pirate-like attire, jumps off her ship with gusto and grace, landing in front of Kala and embracing her, "Awesome, it's just you! Around these parts, they call me Madame Eve, Captain of the Valkyrie and The Wake of the Unferried. So, it's Madame to you. So, Apiary huh? You bring honey with you?"

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