Chapter 43: Clemency

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Peering back into Eowyn's aura, Cer responds with perplexed intrigue, correcting her pronouns. "How is the Steward of the Dweller's Land going to help us? What do they know about these happenings of late and the souls roaming around?"

Ebbing with an intense glow, the mist and magic dust pulse with heat and suddenly the mist and magic dust turns black and collapses back into the bowl.

Taken aback by the sudden abandonment from the magic bowl, Cer gawks at the auraless bowl. "I felt and saw that... I have never seen mana devoid so quickly. Where do we even begin to find Aaric?"

Sniffing the air, Punkin interrupts Cer's curiosity. "Daddy, you smell that? Somebody is playing kitchen time!"

"Oooh I smell bread!" claps Eowyn with joy. "Let's go find the food, Pupu."

Leaning into the smell, Cer hyperfocuses to try to track the smell only to notice a trace of lingering mana streaming from the bowl into a seemingly random aisle of the Athenaeum. "We are being enticed. That smell is enchanted. Be careful you two... Have your wits about you."

Following the smell and mana stream, Cer leads the two others down to the end of the aisle where only one book sits on the shelf. "What's that book? It has a safe but funny aura."

Running up to grab the book, Punkin yells, "That's the smell. I want it!"

Before Punkin can grab the book, Eowyn snatches the book and reads the title aloud, "Affirming the Goodness Within."

Smiling, Cer relaxes and beckons for the book. "This book and its contents were inaccessible for years. Since Arwyn and the hounds are gone, I guess the aisle is no longer off limits."

Looking around at familiar auras of the ghosts around them, Cer searches for disapproval. Cer senses no hint of disapproval.

Handing the book to Eowyn, Cer opens the book to a page with a void aura. Read this page to the odd picture at the end of the aisle.

Noticing a funny drawing on the wall at the end of the aisle, Punking claps while jumping up and down. "I want to draw on the wall too!"

Smirking, Eowyn informs Cer of the page's contents. "Umm, the page literally just says "Every one is deserving of affirmation. Affirm and connect to those you love."

Cer smiles, "Ahh yes I remember now. Every one is spelled as two words correct?"

Confirming Cer's memory, Eowyn realizes what Cer meant and proceeds to identify every object drawn singularly on the wall. A door, a box, a portal, and a heart. Running her fingers over each object, they begin to glow.

Clapping with more enthusiasm, Punkin screams with excitement. "Ooooh magical drawings! I want to play!!"

Chuckling with an air of relief, Cer offers up words of affirmation. "Thank you every one for opening up to me. You continue to allow me to remain connected."

Glowing brightly, the wall disappears, opening an entry to a spiral staircase leading down below the Athenaeum.

Gasping, Punkin's jaw drapes open. "Whoah. Hide and seek secrets! Let's go." Without any further hesitation, Punkin runs down the staircase with Eowyn following closely behind."

Examining the auras of the ghosts tending to the Athenaeum, Cer asks aloud, "Are we safe here? Have any ill-intended walked through here?"

Responding, the ghosts offer an aura of peace and reassurance to Cer.

Acknowledging their response, Cer thanks the ghost of the library and descends the stairwell after Eowyn and Punkin.

Entering into a tall circular room with large empty frames lining the walls, Punkin exclaims with disappointment. "Boo, no food! And no hiding spots"

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