Chapter 30: Nothing ends, The Journey continues

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Happy Anniversary and Happy Eastre.

Finally we embark the comic through a collaboration with artist Olive Dane Draws, please check out our first episode release on  Webtoon- Adventures of Pupu: Wake of the Bubble Witch (

Rapidly approaching Kali from a swarm of bees, Kala stops her motorcycle right next to Kali. "We have an issue. Pupu ran off into a guardian's gate. I need you to trace her."

Looking up from weaving a spell, Kali displays a look of shocked disbelief followed by a sigh. "Well that is a problem. I haven't finished weaving her clothes so I can't trace her. Can't your bees find her through her pheromones?"

Tapping her chin as she stares into emptiness, Kala thinks out loud, surprising Kali.. "Hmmm, if my bees can't trace or sense her, she must be in a region where I do not know the bees... or maybe she is beyond the realm of Efervance...I need to find a tracker..."

Scoffing at Kala's words, Kali startles Kala out of her thinking. "You ARE a tracker! Only person better at tracking spontaneously is Cer, so that is a moot agenda. You better find Pupu before Cer comes out of Nothing. We've seen Cer survive worse than Nothing, so you better get to it. I need to hold this barrier while the others port people to safety. Go do your job and find and protect Pupu. We each have a role to play.."

Ignoring Kali's last words with preoccupation, Kala hops back on her motorcycle and her bees begin to swarm around her. "There is one person that might be able to find her. I'm headed to The Mecca. I'll see you back at the ruins of Aisling. Light a candle when everyone is ready to be escorted into The Mecca. May your Mystic never waver!"

With immense heat radiating from the speed of the swarm, Kala and the swarm implode into thin air.

Grinning with a stunned reaction of admiration, Kali sighs with amusement. "Huh... so that's how she travels across vast spaces without a feline. I wonder how that works."


"I can SEEEE you..." yells Punkin as she emanates a radiant aura. "You said you'd never leave me."

"Pupu? How'd you get in here? Where is Baba?" Asks Cer, confused and astounded.

"I jumpeded in the kitty door! I wanna go home. So Yam-Yam brought me home... where is my house?" asks Punkin, as she looks around in the darkness. "It's scary daddy. I don't like it in here."

"It's okay Pupu. Come to me. This is Nothing. The space can't hurt you. Your light is strong. Come, meet an old friend of mine." Cer says while beckoning Punkin to approach.

"SHE IS SO PWETTY! I am Pupu!" squeals Punkin with excitement as she runs towards Nin.

Reaching up, Punkin strokes Nin's short copper and red hair. "Oh no, you are sad. Why are you crying?"

Surprised by the revelation, Cer is taken aback by not being able to perceive that Nin had been shedding tears. I can see auras, but I could not see the mana of her tears. Where is her magic?

Trying to keep from shedding more tears, Nin takes in a deep breath and exhales before answering Punkin. "I was lonely. I missed your dad and only wanted to matter to one person. But your dad left. So I have been sad for many years. When we lose things we get sad."

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