Chapter 10: Party at the Promenade

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Heading out towards the City Center from the Ursa Dormis safe house, Cer and Pixie walk the empty streets, cleared from all the merchant stalls and businesses.

Feeling surprised by how quickly the crowds cleared, Cer wonders how long he daydreamed for and where all the people could have gone since the city sits so profoundly silent. Peculiar. Not a single sound of anyone in the streets.

While walking and continuously scanning for people, Cer detects nobody. Not a single mystic aura could be detected besides Pixie who walks beside Cer..

As Cer continues to walk and scan the immediate area for danger out of habit, Cer notices something else is strange. Upon more focused observation, the buildings which Cer and Pixie walk past, all have what seems like a thin coating of mystic energy or mana along their surfaces. How could I have missed this? I am not paying enough attention like I need to be.

Curious, Cer asks Pixie what the purpose of the mana could be. "I can both sense and see mana outlining and covering the surfaces of the buildings. What's the purpose for this magic?"

Smiling, Pixie responds with pride in her voice,

"Oh that. That's a sound and vibration barrier. The barrier absorbs all sound and vibration trying to enter the buildings. Sound and vibration can leave the buildings; they just can't enter the buildings."

Trying to grasp the plausibility of that scale of magic, Cer reflects internally before responding with more curiosity.

That would require a lot of control to contain that much energy or mana along the surface area and even more focus to maintain that level of magic manipulation all night, unless it's an enchantment of materia. An enchantment of materia this size would take a mystically powerful witch of some kind to even manage that much mana and energy.

"That sounds convenient and effective. Who manages that mana and how do they manage such mass amounts of mana all night?"

Laughing out of surprise, Pixie responds,

"HA! You think it is held all night? It is up ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT. Amazing huh?!?! That's WITCH-TEK! It blocks everything all day and every day except for in a few places.

Some of our buildings have a reverse barrier. Those places that are reversed include the City Center, Bud's Barrow, and the Ursa Dormis safe house. Noise and vibration can go into those places, but no noise or vibration leaves those spaces.

There is also the perch at the top of City Center's tower. That has no barrier at all- it allows Yasmina and the Mech Nights House to stay vigilant and monitor the city."

Curious about the Mech Nights, Cer follows up with questions, "The Mecca-knights house? Who are they? How do they even know how to control and maintain the barriers and fields of mana?"

Laughing at Cer's impatience, Pixie shrugs her shoulders and acknowledges her limited understanding of magic,

"Well, Yasmina and Neko are part of the 'Mech-Nights', you could just ask them. It is spelled M-E-C-H, hyphen, N-I-G-H-T-S. I will admit though, Mecca-Knights sound better and more epic than Mech-Nights House. I am sure you know some of them already, aside from Yasmina. They may have changed their names to stay hidden like most magic users did after the witch hunts and the Great Demise. As for the mana fields and barriers, I'm afraid that's above my pay grade. You'll have to ask Nova, Yasmina, or Chishikisan. Chishikisan and Yasmina are the designers of the city and the designers of our witch-tek. You can reunite with Yasmina and Nova as well as the rest of them at the kiki."

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