Chapter 32: Hide then Seek

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"Punkin, we are going to have to run towards the bandits. Are there any rocks or things I might trip over?" asks Cer as Punkin climbs onto Cer's back. "We can't fight a dragon. My magic isn't made to fight dragons. Let's lead the dragon to the bandits and let them fight each other. Launch a bubble at the dragon Pupu, we have to get it angry."

"Okay, daddy!" Shouts Punkin with bravado and conviction as she launches several large bubbles in the direction of the quickly approaching dragon.

Jumping into a sprint, Cer grunts with a bit of frustration. "I said one bubble, Pupu! We don't know what kind of dragon it is. Some dragons EAT BUBBLES!"

"Daddy... RUN!!! Watch o..." before being able to finish her warning, Pupu launches into the air and glides down with Kylan's graceful save as Cer tumbles to the ground. "...big rocks.. daddy. There are lots of big rocks! You ran off the path."

As Cer rushes to stand up, several auras surround Cer and Punkin with ill-intent..

"You have the Apiary's mark. I know you have honey on you. Hand it over!" commands one of the bandits with an aura of red ill-intent and desire as the rest of the bandits point their weapons towards Cer. "Hand it over, slowly. Any tricks and we take your kid. Think of it as your tax for passing through our land."

Whispering to Punkin, Cer tries to determine if their plan of luring the dragon worked. "How far is the dragon, Pupu? I can't see its aura anymore."

"Daddy, the dragon is gone. I don't see it. But I have mine!!" Suddenly, Punkin reaches into her shirt and pulls out her naga. "ATTACK!!!"

Yawning, the naga stretches out in Punkin's palm and releases a few bubbles in its yawn that float away as it orients itself, after being awoken from a nap.

"You have a magic beast! We'll take that if you don't have any honey! Give it here." demands the bandit acting as their commander, as he reaches out to take the naga from Punkin.


Snarling, Punkin stands with her bubble blade drawn, blood dripping down the hollowed blade's edge. "NOT YOURS! MY PET!"

"....." Withdrawing his bloody hand in pain and confusion, the bandit tries to yell but is encased and muffled by a bubble barrier swirling with diluted red streams in its membrane.

"She's a witch!! We need her tears!" yells another bandit as the others redirect their weapons from Cer to Punkin.

Getting up to try to attack, Cer is frozen in place, struggling to move. Ugh. I am still bound by my blood oath. Cursed! If I can't fight, I can be a shield!

Breaking free from Cer's own invisible chains by redirecting intent, Cer jumps in front of Punkin and attempts to be a barrier between the bandits and Punkin by focusing on drawing out Nothing to consume them.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing happens as Cer's eyebrows furrow with focus and effort.

Chuckling, the second in command chides, "You look constipated! You must be the blind Shriver that's been hiding. The chaos witch said you'd be an easy target..."

Turning back to his comrades, the second in command reassures his gang. "it's alright boys, he can't hurt us...some kind of curse or rule he has to follow...."

Redirecting his attention to Punkin, the second in command reaches a hand out to Punkin. "Hey little girl, give us the little baby dragon or we'll kill your daddy."

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