Chapter 38: Shadow of Love

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Shuddering from the sudden realization that they are in the presence of the one they have been tracking, Cer and Miyas quickly turn to locate Quinn.

"It's AUNTIE QUINN!!" squeals Punkin, as she darts from Cer and Miyas' side back towards the town's edge.

Standing on the edge of town, a figure opens their arms wide to receive Punkin. "Come, let's play."

"No, wait!" Miyas shouts after Punkin while her cloak opens up as she jumps to intercept Punkin.

Tracking Miyas and Punkins, movement, Cer looks in the direction to where Punkin was headed and sees the light blue aura of Mayor Chastity. No hiding it now, let's just call it out for what it is. "We know it's you Quinn. You can stop your charade now."

While grinning, Quinn stands up to look directly at Cer and Miyas, as her aura shifts to a dark red, outlined by a hazy gray with streams connecting to an inner aura of mucus green encapsulated by the same outer dark gray aura. "So, Miyas. I should have known you'd be tracking me. Off the isles finally? What got you to leave? Another promise from our miserable sister Claire? Or some warning from that wretched Eve who thinks she and only she can manage the dead and lost souls?"

Puzzled, Cer looks at briefly at Miyas and then back to Quinn. What other promises did you make to Claire? What are you... would you... nevermind. I need to handle Quinn before asking questions. Her aura is being influenced by some kind of death or corruption. It is corroding her. "Quinn, leave my daughter out of this. Is it me you are after? Are you still mad at me?"

"I did not bring your daughter into this. I didn't know she existed until I saw you outside my gates. She is the one that wants to come to me of her own volition. I gave her a chance to leave." scowls Quinn.

"She is only 3! How is she supposed to find her way around on her own?" shouts Cer before turning attention to Punkin, who is standing behind Miyas who successfully intercepted her. "Pupu, come here. Quinn is not going to play nice. She is dangerous."

Looking back sadly at Cer, Punkin pouts as she begins to walk slowly towards Cer. "Awww but I miss Auntie. I never knowed her and I wanna know her. She wants to be my friend, daddy."

"Yes I would like to be your friend and I can take better care of you than your daddy." interjects Quinn with a warm and playful tone towards Cer.

Turning back to Cer, Quinn shoots a telepathic message. You left me alone to fend for myself! Mother is the one that trained me and looked out for me. Then you all left me! I don't need you or Miyas anymore. Your daughter holds the key. I can feel it in her. Chaos and Order. She is the full moon, I can feel the sunlight in her. You have know idea how to foster that magic. She is beyond your ability to manage!

Assuming Quinn can read thoughts as easily as she projects them, Cer thinks of a response hoping Quinn is actively connected to Cer's thoughts. She is a child and does not need to be managed or fostered! She isn't like us. She was not cast out or hunted. She has me! She has a family! She doesn't need to manage magic! Whatever your plan or scheme, whatever your goal is, leave her out of it.

Piercing Cer's thoughts, Quinn sends her thoughts like a red hot knife. Too late, brother! We know of her and we now need her! Do not get in our way or you will cease to be in this realm just like Claire.

Filling with pain and anguish from the memory of Cer's final moments with Claire, Cer feels mana finally enter into Cer's palms and forearms. "What do you know about Claire's death?!?!"

Hearing the break in the audible silence, Miyas and Punkin look at Cer "Huh?"

Miyas looks back at Quinn and immediately casts a dome spell around Punkin. So you are telepathic too huh. What lies have you already told Pupu? What lies are you telling Cer?

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