Chapter 22: Re-New-Ed...Lost...Hope

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"HOME?!?!" Shouts Miyas with excitement.

Equally meeting Miyas' excitement, Punkin shouts back in response, "YES! COME HOME! We have a farm!! We can play together. Do you wanna play with me?"

Taken aback by Punkin's enthusiasm, Miyas wells up with skepticism. "I know the farm. I was raised there too. Your mother was a good friend to me."

Turning away from Punkin and Cer, Miyas scowls as a tear drops from her eyes. "That isn't my home. This is where I belong. This is where they all left me! ALONE!"

Reaching out to hug Miyas, Punkin frowns with sadness. "You not alone anymore. I'll be your friend."

Without looking back, Miyas looks up to the sky and whispers, "Friends can't leave if you don't have any. Nobody can forget what they never knew."

And without warning, Miyas launches into the sky and disappears.

"Awww. She left..." pouts Punkin.

"It's okay, She may have just lost her way. We will find her." Cer reassures Punkin while patting her on her head.

"How? This is her home... how is she lost?" Asks a confused Punkin.

Reassuring Punkin while tracking Miyas' ley lines and aura, Cer speaks to Punkin without looking at her. "We can live someplace and still not be home. We can call it home and not feel at home. We can say this is where we belong and not actually feel that we belong. To belong, is to be longed for. It is sad she has lost the sense that anyone longs for her company. Don't worry, we will find her and she'll know she belongs with the Apiary."

Sighing before chuckling, Cer taps Punkin's head to signal that they must start walking. "That sly bunny. She didn't actually jump off and fly away. She jumped and made an illusion that she flew away and just ran off. She can't be far. Come let's go find her."

With a large grin forming on her face and transforming into an uncontrollable smile, Punkin speaks aloud, undirected to anyone. "Oooh so she wants to play... Come out. Come out. Where you are. I'm gonna get you!"

Following behind Punkin carefully as she rushes back and forth checking for signs of Miyas, Cer smiles and walks in a casual yet gingerly gait.


After walking and searching for hours, Punkin notices a glowing light near some snow covered rocks.

"Daddy? What's that?" Asks Punkin.

"What's what?" Responds Cer.

"That light!" Points Punkin before running towards the emanating light.

"WAIT!" Shouts Cer, stumbling and ignoring the bruises and near falls as Cer runs after Punkin. I see it now! That aura feels immense. Why couldn't I see it before Punkin did? I need to get to her first.

"It's okay daddy. I'm okay. It's a flower!" Giggles Punkin as she nears the glowing flower with a single bud. "It's so pretty. It's crying, daddy. I feel it, daddy."

"Don't touch it!" Shouts Cer as Cer catches up to Punkin.

"I wanna hug it, daddy. It's sad." Frowns Punkin as she turns around to hug Cer's leg.

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