Chapter 44: The Hedgling's Curse

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"Burden of Shriver, you say?" responds a male voice with curiosity and amusement. "So you have the power to heal people who are hurt...?"

Answering the question with pride, Punkin chimes in. "My daddy can shrivel demons and beat up darkness. Daddy eats darkness for lunch!"

Clapping their hands slowly and rhythmically with sarcastic amusement, the voice responds. "A father-daughter duo traveling the mist, one rumored to be a shriver. You must be The Demon Shriver of Ku, Yakobe Metta Boon."

Chuckling with mutual amusement, Cer grips Fang tightly and prepares to strike. "Not many know that name to say it, even less have survived darkness to repeat it. That person you speak of was consumed and can no longer be called upon. Prepare for the taste of mercy."

Stepping forward into visibility with his hands up, Aaric, a tall warrior-built young man with a clean shaven face with oozing mahogany eyes surrenders with a smile on his face and bolstering chuckles of warmth and welcome. "Hey, it's just your favorite hedgling. No need to get violent brother, Jeks! Why so threatening? And you know you can't hurt me as a Shriver."

With confusion, Punkin dashes between the two and inquires directly with Cer with her back facing Aaric, "Who is that daddy? Why is he calling you names? Your name is daddy!"

Turning around quickly to face Aaric, Punkin furrows her eyebrows and clenches her fists and stomps her foot, causing an emanating wind that pushes the mist within 30 feet of her to clear away. "Why are you calling him names he doesn't like? DON'T BE MEAN! NO NAME CALLING!"

Stepping back with surprise and continued amusement, Aaric kneels down on one knee and bows his head. "Sorry, young Master Punkin. I just miss teasing your father. I am the 'long lost brother,' Aaric."

Punkin feeling excited that she just found what they are searching for, jumps up and down and claps in celebration. "We found him, the banshee one! WE WIN! Now can we go home?"

Picking up Punking from behind, Cer approaches Aaric and pulls Aaric up from the ground by his arm. "Long time, Aaric. Pupu, this is Aaric the Banished One."

Ahem coughs Aaric as to interrupt Cer's introduction. "I liked the banshee title she gave me better. Besides, II was not banished, I chose to leave. I am banned from coming back. That is until now. Pupu, thank you for coming to find me. Your mother told me you would come get me when it was time for me to come back home. You are the Grand Witch we have all waited for."

Taken aback with surprise and confusion, Cer responds. "Grand Witch? You must be delusional. Does this mist make you crazy?"

Smiling as he puts his hand on Punkin's head Aaric mutters some words and the mist clears more space as a surging energy emanates from Punkin. "I may be foolish, but I am not crazy. Claire would never lie to me and she was always 5 steps ahead. If she told me so, I would believe her."

Is Punkin a Grand Witch and how do we even know that? Wait, when was the last time he saw Claire? Was he hiding out here or was he sent here by her? Why wait here? What does he expect of Pupu? With so many questions welling inside, Cer opts to ask only one. "How long ago did Claire send you out here?"

Chuckling, Aaric responds. "I know you, Jeks. For the one question you asked, you must have had ten on your mind. We will answer them all, after we break bread." Clapping his hands once, Aaric calls out. "The mist is lifting, come, we can finally eat eye-to-eye. Get our friends here comfort and food."

Looking around, Punkin and Cer finally realize they did not notice dozens of people, seemingly refugees and survivors of war and destruction, gathered around in the clearing of the mist.

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