Chapter 24: Same Sky, New Breeze

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Sleeping through the rest of the day and waking up with the rising of a new dawn, Punkin shakes her head and looks around for Cer.

Noticing the once-again small childlike Miyas lying asleep next to her, Punkin carefully gets up trying to stay quiet and thinks aloud as she reaches to take her cloak off. "This is comfy cozy. Here. Stay comfy cozy."

Hearing her desire to keep Miyas warm, Kylan unwraps itself from Punkin and covers miyas, shifting itself to keep Miyas warm and insulated.

Giggling, Punking smiles and skips towards an opening where the light sneaks into the dark cave. "Heehee. I love you Kylan and Miyas. Keep her warm."

Seeing Cer standing outside, facing the sun like a statue bathing in light, Punkin runs up and hugs Cer. "Guess what?!? She was big like you. She is a kid again. She must be scared, daddy. Why is she scared?"

Before Cer can respond, the warm but light sound of Miyas' no longer child-like voice resonates from behind Punkin. "Because people scare me and you are people. That was the best sleep I have had in years. Thank you. Welcome to the true Mystic Evermore, the space of the ferried dead, where souls come to rest. Forever. "

Looking around Punkin rubs her eyes, now noticing the changes of the island that occurred over night.

Gawking at the lush greenery and colorful flowers, Punkin gasps in amazement. "It's so pretty!!!"

Smiling, Miyas waves her ribbon wands and casts a spell which brings fruits, berries, and water to Punkin and Cer to eat. "There. Now we can eat. Normally, things that end here, stay here. Nothing can leave and nothing can enter unless blessed or dead. Punkin, you are blessed. Seems like everything else that ended up here was already dead in some way or another."

"WHAT?!?! YOU AND DADDY.... GHOSTS?!?!" shouts Punkin with shock and surprise.

Chiming in with a chuckle, Cer interrupts the conversation. "She meant we are dead inside. Serenely hopeless. Those without peace can't enter here. Nobody living knows peace as long as they suffer. Without hope, how can you fear losing it? How can you suffer a loss of what you don't have? We gave up on life and bound ourselves to pain and darkness"

Adding into Cer's explanation, Miyas continues to describe their experience of grief as a gentle breeze wafts between Cer and Punkin. "When we lose or have to give up what we are used to, sometimes our fears take over us. We try to press forward and we run into the invisible walls we forgot we put up. We can't see those walls, but they are there. It holds us back so much, that we stop trying to get out of the boxes and cages we built for ourselves. Our darkness is our wall.

In this desolate place where I blocked off all wind, I could not breathe the air I cut off and longed for. So here it is, Lord of Air, please bless us with your presence once more and bring peace and life to the land of the dead."

Feeling the wind increase in strength and a mystic aura enveloping the land and sea around them, Punkin starts clapping with excitement. "MAGIC, DADDY!!"

Sighing and smiling, Cer puts a hand on Miyas' shoulder to express Cer's acknowledgement. "So it is true, you and the members of Siren's Caw are vessels of the benevolent Daemon forces. I had an idea when Eve casted her spell of Hell's Triumph and sparred with me. She channeled as the vessel of the Lord of Absence and Lord of the Water. Seems that we were able to travel quickly because Eve borrowed your Daemon.

Eve asked us to deliver this message to you. She is sorry for punishing you and abandoning you here. She should have trusted that whatever secrets you kept, it was as a favor for Claira and that she should have respected that. She returns access to both your Daemons, the Lord of the Moon and Reflection,, Devastation, and the Lord of Howls and Whispers, Dramatadon.

Looks like you are free to leave the Isles now that you have your connection back."

Offering a single chuckle Miyas responds sharply to snap at Cer. "Actually you are free to go. I have some things to finish up before leaving."

Waving her ribbon wands again, Miyas summons two large mythical animals resembling a furry dog-like cat.

Squealing with excitement, Punking screams "DOGGOS!!! They are BIG. Bear dogs, daddy!!! Bigger than Cazem and Ordair. Can I borrow them forever?"

Cer leans in, and focuses on their aura. This mana and aura... "YOU HAVE FOO DOGS?"

Ahem. Clearing her throat to correct Cer. "First off, they are Guardian Lions, which are not dogs nor lions actually. You of all people should know this. And yes. These were the other animals I had brought her to protect. Guess Claira knew we'd need them here to keep them safe and to also get us out of here. Remember, once here you stay here. The dead become new life, the paradise you see all around you is created from their mystic peace. So meet Yama and Hades. Together, they can port you off the isles.. Basically they can bring you back to the land of the living."

Realizing what Miyas is saying, Punkin looks down, sulking with sadness. "You coming home with us?"

"Sadly, I can't come home to you right now. I have to finish some work your mother gave me to do. As soon as I finish, I will find you, darling Pupu. It is time for us to say 'See you later' or good bye for now."

Rushing over to hug Miyas, Punkin cries into Miyas' bunny cloak. "Promise you come home?"

"I promise." Responds Miyas while stepping back to look Punkin directly in her eyes.

Turning to look back at Cer, Miyas smiles and giggles with optimism, "Yes. Let's break the glass walls!"

Twirling her ribbon wands once more, Miyas utters the words "Vwentos Kaidos Yatri...Ryokohu... IMA!"

As Miyas completes her incantation, the moon manifests in the bright sky and the two guardian lions give a synchronous yawn, opening a large rip in space revealing a strange land beyond.

Encouraging Cer and Punkin to step into the port, Miyas invites Punkin with an open hand to step forward while simultaneously whipping Cer with her other hand holding a ribbon wand. "I guess this is where fate or destiny awaits. This is what was in your heart and that is where they will take you."

Chuckling, Cer walks towards the port while holding Punkin's hand. "Same sky, different breeze, Miyas. Some things really don't change do they."

Scowling with annoyance, Miyas shushes Cer. "Shh. Nobody asked you to talk. Go. Leave. I will see you when I feel like it or want to. Bye!"

As soon as Cer steps completely into the port, it vanishes and both Yama and Hades lay down and sigh.

Punkin, Sometimes the darkness in our hearts are our walls. We forget what light looks like and get too scared of stepping out of our cave. You remind me to embrace my light and your father reminds me to embrace my darkness. You both have shown me that the sky is the same sky, night and day, though the direction of the breeze may change, or the wind may be different altogether.

Chuckling, Miyas reverts back to her child-like self and pets the two lions as she walks past them and heads back into her cave. "Rest, you two. Thank you for allowing them back to walk amongst the living.

Now we can enjoy the quiet again. Let's enjoy it while we can before we have to surround ourselves with nasty people.

Keeping these walls up just a little longer just so I can rest and practice. It's been so long since I have been able to fly free. I hope I can fly like I used to. Let's see where the wind will take us , and hope this wind takes me home to you wherever you are."

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