Chapter 6: Isolation vs Lonelines

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Stepping out of a distortion in space that feels like a spinning whirlpool of thick cold air, Cer sets foot on a field of golden tall grass with hints of dampness from the remnants of morning dew in the early afternoon.

Where am I exactly? This doesn't smell familiar... The grass feels tall, which means the rain must not be toxic here. Good. So far, it's safe.

Turning slowly to scan the immediate area for any signs of friend or foe, Cer notices a large concentration of an auric field of mystic energy in the distance.

Hmmm. That's got to be The Mecca. That energy is so far away... Why did Cherub port me all the way out here? I guess I'll have to walk. At least this place seems isolated from people. Best to mark where I am just in case I need to come back here. Hopefully people won't see me port in or out of here.

Exploring the immediate area, Cer searches for landmarks, scanning for signs of auras or mystic energy and occasionally sniffing the air for a familiar or identifiable scent.

While exploring the area, Cer stumbles several times over rotted wood, large rocks, and mysteriously placed stones. Every so often, the faint scent of a new growth of shrubs, weeds, or moss passes Cer's nose.

After a few steps, Cer's cane hits a large metal object, causing Cer to pause in place.

Tap Tap Tap... Tap Tap Tap.... Tap

Tapping around the object with the cane, Cer begins to feel a sense of unease. A brief breeze sweeps by, bringing awareness to a faint smell of moss and charred wood after the rain. Creaking panels croak as the breeze continues to sweep by.

Reaching out to feel the large object, Cer tries to move it without success. Feeling the weight of the object and its cool touch, a startling observation washes over Cer.

A door? A heavy metal door? What is a random door doing out here on the ground?

As Cer's fingers continue to examine the metal door, the box on Cer's back begins to vibrate. The vibration becomes a tremor as Cer scans the immediate area for threats, bringing notice to the sensation and energy of the contents in the box, aching to break free.

What are you reacting to? I don't sense any threats.

As Cer's hand runs over the etchings on the metal door, the box on Cer's back evolves from a tremor to a violent shaking, as its contents bang on the box from the inside. Quickly, Cer's hand withdraws.

It can't be...these etchings... this crest... the bomb shelter of Aisling? This place... No wonder Cherub remembers this place. It's a mass grave etched in our nightmares. I am sorry my friends. I will leave this place of mourning and sad memories, especially out of respect for you.

Feeling a deep sense of melancholy well up from inside, Cer rises slowly from the overwhelming memory of loss and begins to head towards the auric field of mystic energy in the distance, being careful to not disturb any objects that are settled in place.

Nobody wants to travel willingly down memory lane, especially if it's a lonely alley of dark memories. We'll leave this place and not come back if we don't have to. I should tell Cherub to find new memories.

With every step moving away from the ruins of the town of Aisling, the box on Cer's back eases its activity and steadily falls into rest again with stillness.


Approaching closer to the edge of the large auric field after what feels like hours of walking, Cer notices the large shape of the aura and the density of its energy.

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