Ch 46: Revelo and Vellum

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Looking up, with slight confusion, Punkin *gasps*. "SO Daddy IS A MONSTER. Arywn didn't call daddy names...ooops. I yelled at Arwyn... daddy is a monster... But daddy is MY MONSTER"

Clapping with joy, Punkin dances around Aaric and the Gyldan Galare, occasionally pointing at an imaginary enemy. "Go eat it daddy. Get 'em. Grrr"

Placing a hand on Cer's shoulders, Aaric responds to Cer. "I knew. And it is my fault."

Looking back at Aaric, Cer expresses confusion. "You left, how can it be your fault?"

Sighing, Aaric sits down with his shoulders slumped. "The curse of consumption is your power... I know how it works... it was supposed to be mine. Nethmaya trained us together and had me in mind for the new shriver's ritual. She told me what the ritual was and I refused to go along with it and I ran. I told Claire about it and she told me to hide. So Nethmaya chose you and never told you what the ritual would do to you.

Looking confused, Cer looks down to try to remember Nethmaya's words. A witch's mana is only as strong as their Mystic; a witch's mana is limited by its access to its aligned source...but if the source flows in you, you will be limited only by your Will. "What did she do to me?"

Looking into Cer's eyes, Aaric whispers. "You are an experimental shade- the first of the orphan shades. Because she couldn't control you and your newly formed Cerberus soul, she made tamed adaptations with lesser demons. Nin and Quinn were the next to follow. You three make the coven of Eclipsed Shrivers."

Feeling a welling anguish grow inside, Cer rebukes Aaric. " No, mother said she was giving me the power to save the orphans and witches. She said I would never suffer at people's hands again. I was given the power to end suffering."

Sighing slowly, Aaric places a hand on Cer's head and shares his thoughts. "She traded your freedom so your soul could be joined by entities that make up a part of the Lord of Darkness- the Horrible Thing. You know them as companions, but they are part of your lifeline now. I see you have Alister and Alastor. Remember, your birth name is Yokobe- Jacob. After the ritual, you might have noticed a voice inside you, it goes by Aharon- it is what is left of Jacob.

She did not lie, your power is to consume suffering, pain, and the darkness of people. In a world of endless suffering, you have the ability of endless mana from pain, suffering, darkness, and the fear of death. The source of your mana does not define you- The Will of your Mystic and how you use that power does. You are no monster. But the culmination of the dweller's condition. The healer, the harmer, and the humane. Everybody fights those same demons."

With a sense of overwhelm, Cer asks "So which demon or daemon is what? What is good or bad? How does one of them win my soul?"

Surprising Cer, Punkin jumps on Cer's back. "You are my daddy monster beast man. You are whatever you want to be daddy. But you are my daddy."

Now all surrounding Cer, the Gyldan Galare form a triangle around Cer holding each other's hands.

Mistress Shell begins to whisper an incantation, "Behind the mask of every monster..."

Adding to the Mystic incantation, M'Alison whispers " the mystery of an illusion..."

Finishing off the incantation, Lady Rayne whispers before kissing Cer on the forehead "...waiting to reveal the heart of the host... revelo!"

Suddenly an image of a three-headed guardian lion appears above Cer. The first head grins and chuckles before snarling with disgust. The third head smirks and breathes a deep sigh of relief as it pulls in the opposite direction of the first head. The second head resting between the two with a serene smile, effortlessly rests, not budging as the two other heads pull in opposing directions trying to get the guardian lion's body to move in their favor.

Gasping with awe, Punkin tries to reach for the image before all three heads look down at her and the image dissipates. "Hey, I want that. That's my daddy doggy cat."

Patting Cer on the shoulder, Aaric comforts Cer. "Well inside most people, there are two opposing wolves that represent their desires. Those desires are the seed of their Mystic. You want to know which desire wins? The one the person feeds the most."

Looking at Aaric, feeling defeated, Cer asks annoyingly "Why are you telling me this?"

Hugging Cer, Punkin says excitedly, "You have one big doggie cat lion beast."

Chuckling, Aaric adds, "She is right. You have a three-headed guardian lion. No matter what desire you feed, the entire beast grows stronger and wins."

Sighing in defeat, Cer responds sarcastically ."I should just stop feeding it and starve it to death."

Pulling Cer's ear, Punkin growls "You feed my daddy beast. No going hungry!"

Smiling with some comfort, Cer responds " I was joking. It seems that no matter what is fed it grows stronger. No matter how hard the opposing heads pull, the one in the middle keeps them tamed. That is our humanity isn't it? There is no good, bad, right, or wrong. It is just wolves trying to survive. We have the part that wants to hurt others, the part that wants to heal others, and the part that just wants peace. We all just want peace and to survive.

I think I know how to control Cerberus better. I used to black out and have a weird selective amnesia when I called upon my power. I think I know why now. I need to stop fighting and suppressing them. I need to let them feed more- not on hurt souls, but only on demons."

Scratching his head, Aaric sheepishly offers a reluctant suggestion. "Umm The limit of our magic is based on Mystic, Mana, and you forget- Materia. Just because you have the Mystic and a growing source of Mana from the consumed souls, the Materia may not be able to contain it. In this case, it is your body. "

Popping her head between Aaric and Cer sneaks between the Gyldan Galare, Punkin whispers "I can eat them with you! I want to be like you!"

Taken aback, Cer looks Punkin in her eyes. "No, you don't. I am not even fully your father. I am part demon, part daemon, all vessel. You will not get your mana from the souls of others. I can still hear them and feel them all. Thousands of them. And the 107 in my bracelet that I trapped unintentionally. You do not want to feel it all. "

Placing Cer's face between her two hands, Punkin looks deeply back into Cer's eyes. "I feel them all daddy. They all want to go home."

Lifting their hands in unison and waving it over Aaric, Cer, and Punkin, the Gyldan Galara cast a sleep spell on them.

Whispering to Cer, Lady Rayne assures Cer they'll be safe. We need rest for what is to come. The dangers to come will not be illusions. Rest now while it is safe. We will stand watch.

Drawing weapons out, the three witches surround Aaric, Cer, and Punkin as they sleep. The three witches face outwards in a triangle and raise their weapons up. Scowling at the air, the Gyldan Galara turn to stone, concealing Aaric, Cer, and Punkin in a veil of invisibility and shielding their presence. 

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