24 - An Unusual Phoenix

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We have to go," states Leilani. If only it was as simple as just going. We have twenty–one Death's Knights hacking their way towards us. We barely managed to finish off three, and three of our corrupted magic users are unconscious. Or worse, considering their screams. Don't think about that. I lick my lips uneasily as I try to divert my attention.

And Miasma, our guide, is unconscious too. I can't divert my attention from her authoritative presence. So now we, ten absolute morons, have to do something. Caprice would know what to do. Ari would. But they're both unconscious. I half wonder whether I could learn necromancy to ask them what to do before catching my mistake. They. Are. Not. Dead.

"And you know, we have to hurry up!" adds Leo in a frustrated tone as he glares at everyone standing awkwardly around. 

"Oh, as if you know. Go and find a mirror to stare at," I snap sardonically at him. Childish, but I don't have time to come up with something better. Because, as much as I hate saying it, he's right. Ugh. I shiver even thinking about it. I can count on one hand all the times Leo was ever right.

Carina glances at Aquaria and Caprice, "If she was up," she points helpfully to the Deadpool with electric–blue hair, "she could blast us a path."

"If wishes were fishes," Leilani says wisely. I try not to snap at her that it's fish, not fishes. Acknowledging Leo's presence always puts me in a bad mood.

"Hey, Scorpio, do you think you could do something about that," Sagittaria points at the blockade. Scorpio gives no hint whatsoever of having heard her. I hardly blame him. I'd flip off Sagittaria if it were me. However, I can assume that Scorpio is able to do it himself.

You're so dead, Vivian says smugly. Since when did she like gloating so much?

"Shut up," I mumble under my breath under the guise of chewing my lip as I twist a strand of hair around my finger. "Unless you have any good advice?"

You're a petty brat who won't like what I have to say.

"I never do," I say as I fake wiping my mouth on the sleeve of my sweater. Pisces shoots me a weird glance — how did he hear?

Leo can explode, or have you forgotten?

"I never knew that —" I protest louder. Leo can explode? And how did I not know that? Well, he hates you. But how hasn't anyone else told me? Does he even know himself? He would brag about himself to no limit if he did know.

And that is my daily limit of thoughts about Leo.

You dumbass.

"Awww, thanks," I grumble, forgetting to keep my voice down. Pisces gives me another weird look. I stare at him before turning around and noticing Leo. Either he snuck up on me, or I'm deaf.

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