34 - Euphoric

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Vienna seems to have a sixth sense for finding libraries. The one she locates is an immense cream–colored building, huge bay windows decorating the front and letting in much sunlight. The lawn is close–cropped and a perfect emerald color, which makes me think it might be fake. Wide stone steps lead up to bronze–colored double doors with fancy columns standing on each side. To summarize, it looks more like a mansion than a library.

"Are you sure we don't have to pay for admission?" I joke, but the little jab wasn't appreciated. Vienna shoots me a scowl before increasing her pace until we reach the base of the stairs. A loose stream of people trickle in and out of the massive mansion. I wonder how much it cost to build, and why it's so much more elegant than the surrounding, generously spray–painted shops. The steps are chipped and cracked, but no more than a normal old building.

My little sister jumps the stairs two at a time, and I have trouble keeping up, gripping the smooth railing as Vienna nearly sprints up the staircase and pauses at the massive entrance, her expression registering awe.

Inside, the library is even more expansive. The floor is carpeted in a fluffy dark red material, and the front desk is paneled in dark wood. The bookshelves are ornate and carved with detailed swirls and lines. Placards on each bookshelf detail the genre of books on this shelf. I love reading, yes, but this is a bit overwhelming. Aquaria quickly gets lost, darting down a small slope to another cluster of bookshelves, placed closer together. She's out of sight before I can yell at her that the three of us should stick together. A mistake that Vienna made. I don't know much about the incident that drove her and Pisces apart. But I know it was almost fatal. But Aqua's proved that she doesn't really care so much about her life and never did.

Vienna, though, runs for the front desk and immediately asks one of the girls sitting behind it where the history books are located.

"More specifically," Vienna clarifies, "siren history."

I squint at her name tag. Araceli. Odd name. Most Celestials have cosmic names, and so do some Ethereals. Like us.

"Of course," the purple–haired girl nods, "Bookshelf 32 is devoted to siren history." I notice that her eyes are a dark shade of purple. Oh, so a demon. Purple is a relatively common eye color for demons. It reflects the concentration of power they hold. Amber eyes and red eyes signify the most power. Like Sagittaria's. Though I haven't seen any special powers from her, yet.

Vienna dashes off and I glance at the girl sitting next to her. They look exactly the same, but the other has pale blue hair. "Are you two sisters?" I ask curiously.

Araceli nods, "That's my twin sister, Celeste." The steel in her violet eyes dares me to inquire further. She seems very unfriendly.

"Oh ... cool," I say, trying to make up an excuse as to why I'm here. Queen Serena. "Do you have anything on ... the late Queen Serena? Of the sirens?"

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