Chapter 9

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Rogue sat at her desk. Eyeing the car magazine in front of her. The Web was surprisingly quiet today. Snake Eyes stayed in her room, Raven and Fox were in the kitchen fixing food for dinner, and Rogue could care less where Belle was. She didn't really know what to do. Not even The Hounds hadn't been around. The slam of a door snapped her out of her thoughts.


Her head snapped in the direction of Queen Slay stomping in with the Diamond Knights.

"Oh how nice to see you Abs"

"They stole from me"

"I stole from them"


"Ok ok it's very easy to do"

Rogue walked into the kitchen to find Raven and Fox done with dinner.

"Well eat later we need to go"

"Where we going Rogue?" Fox asked

"To the den"

"I'll go get Snake Eyes" Raven announced walking off

Rogue walked back to her desk and propped her feet on the table while she waited. Queen Slay took up the couch as The Diamond Knights remained standing with their helmets on. Rogue looked at them confused.

"You don't have to wear those around us" Rogue said, "we can be trusted"

They looked at each other before the one in the front took his off. Blonde hair styled into a quiff, blue eyes, and lip piercing. He smiled. Then the others took theirs off. One had dark hair with blonde bangs, another had curly thick brown hair, the last had colored hair which was very thin. They seemed very happy with me letting them take their helmets off.

"I'm Luke" the blonde said, "that's Mikey, Calum, and Ashton"

"Nice to meet yah"

"Ok ok game time" Raven announced

Snake Eyes appeared behind her. Eyes watery and droopy. Fox walked in putting on her jacket.

"Let's go"

They walked in a pack down the streets. People cowered into their homes, business men shut their shops, children looked at them in awe. Mostly everyone looked at them, frozen in place. The Widow's and Queen Slay with the Diamond Knights walked on. It was a short walk to the "Den" but felt like miles to Rogue. She was anxious. The building seemed to be empty. Fox picked the lock and slid inside.

"Raven, Snake Eyes, and the Diamond Knights stand guard" Rogue ordered them

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