Chapter 10

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Cameron stood in front of his office. Staring at the knife in his picture. He glared at the big red "X" over the smirk on his face.

"They didn't even bother to close it" Matt whispered


"Cameron" Nash said


Cameron took a glass bottle from the floor and threw it at the wall. Matt looked like he was gonna pee himself. Nash stepped up pushing Cameron back.

"Shut the hell up there's nothing we can do about it and you shouldn't be blaming it on Matt"



Cameron crossed his arms and sat in his seat. Matt was shaking and had went to the back of the gang huddle. Nash wiped the "dirt" off his shirt before straightening himself up.

"Look this is not the time to deal with nonsense like that" Nash said

"You're right" Cameron took the knife out of the picture to see the word "Rogue" carved in the handle, "we need a counter"

"Leave me out of it" Shawn spoke up


"I'm not fighting Belle"

Cameron picked up something else to throw, but Nash got to him before that. Matt sat in the back slightly agreeing with Shawn. He didn't want to fight Snake Eyes. He nearly broke when he saw her face when Belle was gone. He wanted to hug her like he used to and tell her everything was ok. But because of Cameron's orders he didn't. He couldn't. He would be like Shawn right now except maybe even a little worse. Because being here longer.

"You know what Shawn" Cameron said, "fine but your picking up the whole Den while we fight them"

Shawn shrugged like it was no big deal and walked away. Cameron was furious! How could he just shrug and walk away for him! Cameron thought he deserved to be respected! He was the leader after all. He deserved a little respect. He wondered if Rogue's tales of freedom and slavery had somehow gotten to Shawn. What if Belle had been planning this the whole time? Knowing a Widow she probably did, he thought.

And it was only an amount of time before Shawn figures it out.

Rogue woke up exhausted. She had slept all night but somehow still woke up tired. Her gang members were asleep, and all that was left to her was her thoughts. About Belle, about Shawn, about The Hounds, about stealing, about the gangs, about the war that was now started. Her mind wouldn't stop bugging her long enough for her to sleep. So she tossed and turned and groaned and fluffed. Nothing. Something wasn't letting her sleep. There was a feeling in her gut that told her not to go to sleep. Something's about to happen. Don't go to sleep something's going to happen. Don't go to sleep something's going to happen. Don't go to sleep something's going-


Rogue nearly jumped out of her skin. She groggily walked over to the door and opened it finding Raven standing there. Wide eyed awake.

"Too tired going back to sleep"

"Raven no care"

"Rogue do care"

"But Raven does not"

"Well Rogue does please Raven I'm tired"

"I just want to know what you found on the paper"

Rogue walked over to the vanity and yanked the photo off the mirror handing it to Raven. She eyed the picture with a confused look.

"Why would he have that locked in a safe"

"I don't know that's what I want to know" Rogue ran a hand through her thick red hair and sighed, "can I go to bed now"

Raven rolled her eyes and handed her the picture walking out. Rogue put it back on the mirror and attempted to sleep again. Something was still there. Something was still saying something's going to happen. She couldn't quite put a finger on it. Every creak, whisper, and thud made her jump. This wasn't like Rogue at all. Something was really bothering her. There was a creak outside her door. She silently slipped out of her bed and tip toed to the door. Her finger tips grazed the cold door handle. She clasped onto it and flung the door open to reveal a brunette. Shawn.

"The hell do you want?" She growled

"C'mon Rogue I'm not-"

Shawn couldn't finish. Rogue punched him straight in the jaw. She tried kicking his sides which he blocked with his forearms. She elbowed him in the chest and kicked his stomach sending him into a wall. She went to punch him in the face, but he dodged sending her fist into the wall. He pushed her off and got off the wall in time to catch her foot that was coming toward his face. He held his stance. Rogue hopped on one leg unable to do anything else.

"I just want to talk"

Rogue glared and nodded. He released her foot and straightened his leather jacket.

"Look you guys and my gang need to make up" he explained, "it's tearing me and Belle apart"

"I will not go back under a leader who could give a shit less a about his gang"

"Rogue he's not like that anymore"

"Bull shit"

"Yeah bull shit" Shawn replied, "you need to talk to him and Nash"

"Hell no" she snapped, "look kid I understand you want our gang back together but it's too late"

"Rogue ple-"

"Shawn it's too late" Rogue walked into her room and grabbed the photo shoving it into his hand, "the Aces aren't real anymore. Just the Hounds, The Ice Dragons, Queen Slay and The. Diamond Knights, and us. The Aces don't exist"

They heard a sniffle from down the hall. Rogue looked over with Shawn to see Belle. Her eye's were full of tears. Shawn reached out to her to try and comfort her. She looked at Rogue as a tear slipped down her face and turned walking out of the house.

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