Chapter 13

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Rogue snatched up the keys to the armory and unlocked the door disappearing into the darkness. Fox, Snake Eyes, and Raven stood in shock. Belle was trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Rogue what's happening?"

"We're going to war"

"War?" Belle asked, "isn't that a little dramatic"

Rogue emerged from the darkness of the armory with arms full of weapons. She spilled them onto the floor and turned to Belle.

"If it's too much for you to handle then leave now" Rogue growled, "I'm not dealing with another betrayal"

Rogue then separated the weapons and distributed them to her gang. Just then Queen Slay and the Diamond Knights busted through the door. Queen Slay allowed herself access to the armory. Rogue didn't mind though. They were there for help. Belle watched on feeling worse and worse by the second at the decision she was making. If it can down to it would she hurt Shawn? The boy she loved. The boy she thrived for. The boy who has basically saved her from a world of violence and thievery. If Rogue said the word would Belle sacrifice his life for the safety of her family?

"Better decide now" Snake Eyes whispered, "Rogue won't wait for a answer"

Rogue sat on the floor stuffing knives in her boot, guns in the waist band of her jeans, brass knuckles in her jacket pocket, bullets in her jean pockets, and putting other assorted weapons in her clothing. Belle's mind was racing and her heart was right a long with it, but now she had made a decision. She strolled over to Rogue and took a hand gun from the pile. Filling her pockets with bullets she noticed Rogue had found her presences beside the hard headed leader.

"This is my family" Belle said filling the gun with bullets, "I will fight for them, but I will not fight the boy I love"

No matter how much Rogue hated The Hounds and Shawn Mendes. She found a new sort of respect for Belle. Rogue nodded and handed her a knife and a pair of brass knuckles. After they had loaded themselves for battle The Widow's hopped in their new Camaro as Queen Slay and the Diamond Knights followed in a Dodge Challenger.

"Well this is new" Belle announced

"Got it today" Fox replied

Belle nodded as the car roared to life. Rogue whipped the car out of the alley and zoomed down the street. To Belle's surprise Queen Slay was keeping up. People ran out of the streets when they heard the screech of tires on the ground and the scent of burnt rubber on pavement. Children on the side walk stared at the gangs in awe as they zoomed past. That made Belle smile for some reason. Then she remembered what she had to tell Rogue.

"I love the way this car drives" Rogue said, "runs like a dream"

"Uh Rogue-"

"It's even got that new car smell"

"Yeah but Ro-"

"This car is the best decision I ever made"

"Rogue I-"

"Well except the gang"

"We're here" Fox announced

The car screeched to a stop in front of a huge alleyway. The girls fixed their hair and clothing before slipping out of the car and into the empty alley. Queen Slay and the Diamond Knights followed their action. They gathered together and readied themselves. Rogue pushed brass knuckled on her fingers as Queen Slay loaded her gun. Belle opened her knife as Snake Eyes sharpened hers. Raven twirled a gun in her hands while talking to Diamond Knight Ashton. Fox pushed on brass knuckles while talking to Mikey, Luke, and Calum.

"You think they're ready?" Queen Slay asked quietly

"I think they're more than ready"

Queen Slay smiled and nodded. She walked over to Ashton and Raven and began to talk. Rogue looked around at the loyal group she had to walk with her through this war. She was proud of them. She couldn't ask for anyone better.

"Little red!"

Rogue turned to see Dillon, Skate, and Sam. She smiled until she saw Jack Johnson and Gilinsky. She gripped the brass knuckles and furiously walked towards them.

"Whoa Rogue it's ok they're with us" Dillon explained

She glared at the two boys

"What happen to The Hounds?"

"We realized the same thing you guys did" Gilinsky said

"Cameron isn't the same" Johnson added

Queen Slay appeared beside Rogue. She was ready to fight.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Skate

"We came to help"

"How'd you know we were here?"

"I saw the car" Dillon smiled, "thought you'd need some help"

Rogue was then tugged away by Queen Slay. She joined her friend in the middle of the two groups. Queen Slay spoke quietly while she talked to Rogue.

"Can we trust them?"

"We can trust Sam, Skate, and Dillon" Rogue replied, "if they trust the Jacks I do too"

"What if they're just spying for Cameron?"

"No Hound would agree with us"

"Well you got me there"

"I say we let them help"

"I trust your opinion so let's do it"

They walked back over to the gang Rogue had come to learn the name of, Omaha. She felt it was a funny name, but whatever works works. Skate looked at her questionably.

"C'mon" Rogue motioned towards the rest of the group

"Fox!" Sam jogged over to her hugging the life out of her

"Snake Eyes" Skate smiled at the youngest member joining her

The Jacks walked over to Fox and Sam as Queen Slay joined Skate, Snake Eyes, and Belle. Which left Dillon and Rogue.



"What I tried to tell you earlier"

"What about it?"

"I was just going to tell you" he looked down as if trying to gather his thoughts

"Tell me what Dillon?"

"I was going to tell you that I lo-"

The sound of howls cut him off. Rogue and the Widows immediately jumped into fighting positions. Queen Slay pulled out her knife and opened it as the Diamond Knights pulled out their weapons. The Omaha Boys put up their fist ready to fight. The Hounds slowly walked around the corner and stopped by the entrance of the alley. Cameron in the front. Smirk plastered on his face.

"Well isn't this a pretty picture!"

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