Chapter 51

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They stood outside the door that Fox had said was Niall Horan's room. They all knew that the Grizzlies knew this place better than them, and they were probably inside waiting for them. Rogue motioned for Fox and she picked the lock as pretty as you please. Matt grabbed the door handle as Rogue rose three fingers. She counted down from those fingers until they were balled into a fist. Matt threw the door open where they found Louis, Niall, Liam, Eleanor, Perrie, Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne waiting for them. The gang went to go after them when Rogue held out an arm causing them to stop. Everything was quiet as the sounds of her boots hitting the floor echoed through the room. She faced them only a few feet apart. Seeming content. She eyed all of them down full of what looked like annoyance.

"Now let me tell you what's going to happen next" she announced with words full of venom, "we are going to beat you in this fight, we are taking Belle home, and we will win this war."

"And what makes ya' so damn sure?" Niall snarled tensing up in anger

"Well let's start off with the basics" she explained folding her hand in front of her, "we're smarter than you, faster than you, stronger than you, better than you"

She then walked up to Niall where they were nose to nose. Her content look turned into a glare.

"But most importantly we have something to fight for" she spat, "we're not doing this for money, or fame. We're keeping our family safe, and there isn't anything that one of you wouldn't do to protect our gang, our family. You are doing this for a storyline in the newspaper that will blow over in a week making you a one hit wonder. Now if you saw a fighter who fought to protect his family against a pretty rich boy who wants his picture to be on the cover, you tell me? Who would win, and who would lose?"

"Get 'er" Liam growled

And the two gangs went at it. Rogue grabbed Zayn Malik as Shawn pounced on Niall Horan. He tackled Niall to the floor and got on top of him. He grabbed Niall by the forehead and banged him head into the floor. His anger and frustration about losing Belle was getting to him, but frankly he didn't give a damn. After a few minutes of pounding him head into the ground he stopped but still had a hold of him.

"Where is she?!" Shawn yelled in his face, "damn it where is she?!"

"Go off yourself Mendes" Niall choked through the pain

"I said where the hell is she?!"

Shawn was pushed off of him but someone grabbed Niall's shirt collar and pushed him back into the ground. Dark emerald eyes shot daggers into what felt like his soul. Fear shot through him. He actually felt slightly afraid.

"I'm going to ask you once" Rogue said darkly, "where is Belle?"

Nail groaned in his throat. He stuffed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a key. Rogue tossed it to Cameron and he rushed to a door at the side of the room. Rogue punched Niall knocking him out as she scrambled to her feet. The gang had taken care of the rest of the group. Cameron unlocked the door and opened it to reveal Belle laying on her side. Face red, eyes swollen slightly. Her hair spread out onto the floor. Shawn bolted to the door, but stopped at the doorway. Rogue appeared beside him. Shawn looked down at her for reassurance and Rogue nodded. Shawn entered the room and kneeled down behind her.

"Belle, love" Shawn whispered stroking her hair

Belle slowly turned to him. Her eyes filled with tears.

"They didn't get to you" she cried raising up and clinging onto Shawn, "Niall- Niall told me terrible things. How they were all coming for you boys. Just-just awful things."

Shawn rubbed her back and tried to calm her down.

"He said Harry was going to turn Rogue against us" she cried pulling him closer, "I was starting to lose hope, Shawn"

"We're here Belle" Shawn said softly in her ear, "we're all here"

"Gonna we've gotta get you out of here" Rogue announced grabbing her arm to help her up

"Rogue" She said with a sniffle while hugging her

"Look I love you like a sister, but we don't have time" Rogue replied, "Whitesides is gonna be leaving soon"

"Whitesides is here?" She asked through her tears

"We need a bit of... help" Nash said


They all ran through the Winstonian Fort. The best gang in the world back together again. Every time they came upon a Grizzly they ran in the opposite direction. They made it outside and into the van as Whitesides exited the meeting with Harry. They all collapsed inside and for the first moment in a long time they had time to just sit down and talk, but it was silent. They all just looked at each other. Enjoying that they were back together.

"Thank you" Belle's soft voice broke the silence

"For what?" Rogue asked

"For being here" she replied, "all of you. Right here, right now."

Rogue leaned across the van and patted her shoulder.

"We're glad you're here too"


Rogue entered her office at the hotel and immediately plopped down in her chair. Leaning forward to place her elbows on the table.


Her eyes looked up to see Belle at the door.

"Nothing just thinking" Rogue muttered

"No you're brooding" Belle argued walking in front of the desk

"Belle I do not brood" Rogue said with an eye roll

"Yes you do" she replied annoyed, "you always brood when your thinking about a fight"

"I don't brood" Rogue mumbled

Belle dragged a chair in front of the desk and sat down.

"I think this whole war thing is almost on us Belle" Rogue told her raising up in her chair, "and today just made me realize exactly what I'm fighting for. The way I felt when I saw everyone again. I just don't want to lose anyone."

"Rogue these are fight rules" Belle assures her, "no guns and no large knives. No killing. Remember?"

"I still can't shake this feeling that I'm going to have to leave someone important on the battlefield" she added, "I need all of you in my life. You are all my family. I don't know what I'd do without any of you."

"We'll be fine Rogue" Belle smiled sadly, "we'll always be with you. Nothing can ever change that."

"Not even your and Shawn's marriage?" Rogue asked with a raised eyebrow

"Uhhh I'll have to give you rain check on that answer"

They both chuckled as the thought still remained in Rogue's head.

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