Chapter 28

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The boys were immediately at Rogue's side. Harry took a daring move to get up from his seat at what was now Skate's desk. He walked over to face a confident Snake Eyes who clutched Matt's hand. His eyes scanning the group. A cruel laugh falling from his lips. He noticed Dillon's hands begin to shake.

"This is pathetic" he chuckled, "your leader is a crack head, your second in command is a bitch and slut as I see"

He motioned to Nash and Dillon. A nasty glare was sen his direction from Rogue. Louis Tomlinson glided up to her from the couch. A playful smirk filling his features. Dillon's palm got sweaty as he watched the boy look her up and down. He bite his lip and raised a hand to push back her auburn curls.

"Although she's a pretty little tiger"

"Eat shit and die" she spat

"Oh and who's going to make me?"

She glanced over at Dillon who acted as if it wasn't happening. A bead of sweat rolling down his face. His eyes traced in fear. She knitted her eyebrows together as another figure stepped up. A burning red Nash. His fingers wrapping around the Grizzly's neck. His finger nails digging into the boys flesh as he slammed him into the nearest wall.

"That would be me asshole" he growled

Liam Payne jumped for Nash, but was kicked in the stomach by black stilettos. The pointed part of the heel softly poking into his neck. A small hand gun in her palm aiming. Daring him to make a move. Nash looked over at the red as she glanced over at him in her peripheral. He licked his lips turning his attention back to the brunette who's neck was wrapped by his huge hand.   

"Now leave" he snapped

"C'mon boys" Harry announced

Zayn Malik pushed Rogue off of Liam as Niall pried Nash's hand off of Louis.

"We'll be back"

His cruel laugh trailing behind him as the group exited. Although the Grizzlies had been in the Web they hadn't touched anything. Meaning their time there was short. Queen Slay immediately scrambled to her room to find that they hadn't touched the money. None of their rooms had been touched. Everything still remained.

"Look Rogue-"

Dillon had started to apologize, but had received a nasty glare from Rogue. She turned her back to him and stormed into her room slamming the door. A stray tear falling down her face as she locked the door. She tore her heels off of her aching feet and stripped out of the dress. She pulled on a superman tank and black sweatpants before entering the bathroom and wiping of all of her make up.

She combed through her hair that stuck together due to hairspray. Throwing it into ponytail and slamming down onto her bed. Her legs dangling off the bed as she held her head in her hands. She was confused. Nash? Nash came to her rescue. Out of all people, including her own boyfriend, her ex came to her aid.

"What the hell is happening?" she whispered

A knock on her door dragged her out of her thoughts. He's already trying to get in. What the hell. Take a hint dumb ass.

"Go away Dillon!"

"Not Dillon"

She lifted her head and stared at the door. She dragged herself from her bed and trudged to the door. Her hand grasped the door handle and ripped the door open to reveal Shawn. She hadn't spoke to Shawn since his visit. He quickly slid inside and shut the door. His eyes fell on Rogue. Noticing how different she looked.


"Overly" she chuckled

"I just wanted to come check on you" he looked over her, "it seems like I did the right thing"

"Yeah I'm not exactly peachy"

She plopped down on her bed. Tucking a leg in front of her. Shawn sat beside her.

"What's up?" he asked

"Dillon, Nash, hell everything that could go wrong went wrong at the wrong time"

"Okay so tell me what's happening?"

"Don't you have eyes?"

"I do, but I want to see things from your perspective"

"Well Dillon waltzed into my life and helped me forget about Nash, and he was so sweet and caring" she explained, "then Nash came back and now Dillon can only focus on him and it seems like Nash is the only one who cares anymore"

"So what do you think?"

"I just told you what I think"

"That's not all of it is it?"

She looked up at him to see him staring in front of him. He turned and looked at her raising his eyebrows. She blinked as her eyes wandered away from him in thought.

"Dillon kept me from feeling this way"

"What way?"


The word fell from her lips with a crack in her voice. Shawn looked over to see tears welling in her eyes. Like pools. She turned away wiping them frantically. Hoping he hadn't noticed, but he had. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a hug. She reluctantly hugged back. Another tear slipping from her eyes.

"I know I'm not the most trust worthy person in your book" Shawn announced, "but I'm here if you need me"

Just like that she broke. Every emotion inside her slipping out. Revealing themselves to the brunette like cards in a poker game. Droplets turned into streams. Whimpers turning into sobs. The hurt. The intense hurting filing out of her. He just held her tighter. Not in a romantic way, but in a loving older brother way. She held onto him as if she didn't he'd fade away.

"I've just been hurt so much" she cried

"I know Rogue"

"I don't want to be hurt anymore"

"You won't" he whispered, "I won't let anyone"

"Please don't"

He rubbed her back as she cried. He had never seen her like this before. He had seen her with many emotions. Anger, happiness, rage, but never before had he seen her sad or depressed. Little did he know he had this side to her, or he'd ever see it. But here she was before him. A sobbing mess. Which startled him slightly. He just held her. Knowing that was just something she needed. Suddenly she stopped crying. She lifted her red face to meet Shawn's. A knowing look on her face.

"What Rogue?"

"I think I still love Nash"

She collapsed into a sobbing mess once again. Sending a way of shock through Shawn's body.

Rogue still loved Nash.

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