Chapter 49

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"How are we going to get in there?" Matt whispered in the back seat of the Camaro

"Very carefully and very quietly" Nash replied softly

They all looked over the dark scenery of the Wistonian Fort. The door sealed shut they hadn't the slightest idea of how they would get in.

"We could climb over the top?" Shawn mentioned eyeing the gates with an angered look

"And what exactly are we going to land on?" Cameron asked imagining all the ways they could get hurt, "the other boys broken bodies"

"We have to get them to open the doors for us" Matt said

"But in order to do that we're gonna have to have something they want" Nash chewed on his lip in thought

Jacob sighed from in the middle of Matt and Shawn.

"Would $50,000 worth of diamonds and gems do it?" He announced sadly shaking his head

"Whitesides don't waste all your money on those dicks" Matt told him as he faced him suddenly, "they're not worth it"

"Rogue, Belle, Raven, Snake Eyes, and Fox are worth it though" he objected, "we need them to kick the Grizzlies ass right? You can't put a price on that."

"How are we gonna explain that to them where they'll believe it" Nash muttered running a hand through his hair, "sounds too good to be true"

"50,000 dollars Nash" Whitesides chuckled patting his shoulder from the back seat, "no one is going to turn that down"

"You got a contact?" Cameron asked

"That I do"

"Go give them a call"

Nash's eyes didn't leave the walls. All he thought about was Rogue inside. Wasting away. Who knows what they were doing to here. What they were making her do.

"Hold on Rogue" he whispered to himself, "hold on"


Rogue laid on her side in the gloomily lit closet. She stared at the grey wall. Her eyes growing heavy, but her body wide awake. Staring into the blinding light above her that dangled from the ceiling. She worried about Belle, and Snake Eyes, and Raven, and Fox. Who knew what had been done to them. Here Rogue sat. Wallowing in pity. Thinking of her gang members. Her family.

She heard the door open, but wouldn't give them the satisfaction of looking up at them. Instead she ignored them. A hand wrapped around her biceps and began pulling her into the hallway. They pushed her through the hallways until they arrived at a large room. Her fellow gang members were chained to the walls. She was chained opposite of them. They all stared at her. She could see the worry in their eyes. She gave them a small nod as her eyes cut across the room.

"Ah and the leading lady has arrived" Harry's voice called out from the throne at the front of the room, "I know what you're all thinking 'oh God what could the awful, terrible King Harry want to do to us?' Well I am so glad you asked"

An evil smirk spread across his face as he turned to Rogue.

"I spoke to Rogue a few days ago and told her that I would make her life a living hell" he announced as a darkness fell over his face, "I would break her, make her unrecognizable, make her afraid, and I'm going to use all of you to do it"

All of the girls eyes slid over to Rogue who gulped while staring down Harry. She licked her lips as her heart rate slowly rose.

"So I am going to do something that's never been done before" he smiled darkly and put his hands behind his back standing tall, "I'm going to make the great gang leader Rogue beg"

"Like Hell you a-"


The cock of a gun was heard as Rogue watched helplessly as it was placed to the head of Snake Eyes. She stopped talking. Suddenly her mouth became dry. Snake Eyes for the first time didn't fight back. She stood completely still. Her eyes locked on Rogue.

"P-put the gun down" Rogue's shaky voice echoed through the room, "ju-"


Another gun was placed to the head Raven. Rogue's hands began to shake. Her heart beating faster.

"Put the gun down" Rogue snapped quickly, "just put it do-"


Metal pressed to the temple of Fox. She eyes now laced with fear. Rogue's temper flared.

"Put the fucking gun down!" She screamed at them, "put all of them down!"


Rogue froze as she made eye contact with Belle. Rogue was now as silent as ever. She looked around the rooms at her girls. Harry strut over to her. He grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled her to where they were nose to nose.

"Beg for them Rogue" he whispered softly with a smirk, "just beg for them"

Rogue looked around the room again before licking her lips. Her head tilting down with her blonde side bangs falling in her eyes.

"Please put the guns down" she said softly

"What was that?" Harry asked putting a hand to his ear

"Please put the guns down" Rogue said a little louder

"Hmm I just don't think that's good enough" Harry put his hand on his chin in thought and turned away from her walking away, "boys?"

Rogue watched the boys fingers transition from the handle of the gun to the trigger. Rogue lunged forward.

"No!" She screamed, "no, please, no! Please Harry! Put the guns down! Please!"

Tears gathered in her eyes. One even fell from her eye and slipped down her face. Harry stopped when she began to scream. He turned back to her and approached her once again. He grabbed her jaw and wiped away the tear on her cheek.

"You're just too easy" he spat with a sick smile as he turned and gave the boys a signal

The guns were lowered and the girls were taken back to their rooms. Rogue felt defeated. She had shown her emotion. She had fallen to The Grizzlies game. She was not in control anymore. She was a pawn. She was set up to be knocked down. Her head lowered again. Hair curtaining her face. She prayed for someone to get them out, and get them out soon. She because she wasn't sure how much longer she could last.

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